Challenges > Challenges

Map: RR08 in challenge #154

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This is one turner map and improve it on few seconds isnt really it. I mean 22 should be without releasing up key or with some multikick+ pump lel

Maybe Mab can do 22-23.
Look 1st replay this start for example is way better
Open 1:00
. there is few things to improve in Dulek's time and yes, perfect turn is 22-23.
Dulek used 1 other long rope in the tight climb, that can be improved too with a bounce at the end of the climb to do next scroll, i think its possible to do that scroll in downstairs faster, and on end, at his climb he bounces on opposite wall, that can be improve too by a fly-swoosh. ;P (+ the shadow to fall down i think can be better)

But yes, maybe nobody will do all of this perfectly, but this is the perfect run as i said^^

Edit :Just check both times, i won 0.40s doing this instead of long rope ;p
And yes adding double kick on that water scrolll would be even better, coz we dont have a lot of speed at start of it, but noone can do all i said + this double kick. Its too much :) Maybe if u mix mab and cue roping ;)

2nd replay from 2:00 to 2:10 shows a better way for the climb, can be done faster still but it's better than long rope.

The fly over word "Barman" from left wall to scroll gives extra second+gives great speed for scroll, pretty hard to dont touch that word tho

You know how hard is that shit you showed in both replays, Flori? Nobody would actualy try do it since it takes way too much time to mix with perfect roping in the rest of the map. You're just showing some parts that can be improved with, I dunno, 10% of success? The last scrolling part and the elevator is crucial in this map, I don't really care about the start as it's nearly perfect in what I'm  doing and you're just looking for improvements on your own that don't really suit challenges with its difficulty

edit: If I hadn't f@#!ed up the end of the map I would have 23 easily.

No one has tried the reverse spike to get down from the top scroll to the bottom.  If you over shoot the end you got enough room to spike really fast.  Buggered if Im gonna try that shit though :-D


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