Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #190, The Riddle

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I don't understand this challenge, what do you have to do to complete each step?

Each part represents an individual wormer and you must guess all these before guessing the whole image?

Or you have to do some move or something... I don't get it, anyone?

Komo, minimal IQ is 20 for this challenge, what are you doing here xDd


--- Quote from: Komito on January 09, 2013, 01:04 AM ---I don't get it, anyone?

--- End quote ---

There are several steps, by completing all of them you'll be able to guess the player's name.

Each step tells you where you should tele next and provides a little tip about how to reach a next step.

I've placed tips on this site and some related sites. But where exactly? That's what you are supposed to guess :D The first tip is very near, it will tell you where to start and where to go next.

--- Quote from: Impossible on January 08, 2013, 09:42 PM ---what did you smoke xD

--- End quote ---

drink > smoke xD

omg omg omg omg!!! What the f@#!ing riddle. i understand that: "We have legs but cannot walk.", "I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch, Will soon turn red ".
But wtf here...



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