Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #280, TCB 66: Walk for Weapons

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I saw it, not the exact same thing i thought about as i wasnt aware of the insane range, but kinda similar. Fixing that very area could force you to play at least close to Wyv's intention using all these fancy boxes. That sort of challenge needs hella lot of patience before release, not the first time we see these big shortcuts; i did the same mistake in 1 of my challenges anyway. Still, sometimes some clever stuff can be pulled with alternative, not intended solutions.

Yeah lacoste, true. The solution I come up with was just because of my inpatience of solving the whole map  :D But now I got it anyway (both ways)  :P

I actually meant the impatience from the map author's side :D But ye, whats stopping you from completing the map after you found quick and easy run

DELETED: nvm, just me being in a silly mood :|

I'd like to give lacoste -300 bonus seconds for finding the intended solution, but I can't :(
Give his replay a watch once they open up, it's utter brilliance :)


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