Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #301, TCB 45: Bungee Bowling

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--- Quote from: DarkOne on November 17, 2013, 01:49 PM ---_ssm_ your replay had problems, I couldn't see what actually had happened.

--- End quote ---

His 77-point replay should be undeleted. There's nothing wrong with it. There is an emulation bug that was introduced in v3.7.0.0 — I fixed a bug without realizing it, and as a result the bug is not emulated. His replay was created with v3.6.31.0 and exhibits the bug at 3:49.00 - 3.49.06. The message "2-1 has slipped off the hook" is pre-empted by the message "! went in the drink" because that message starts with the character "!", which in versions earlier than v3.7.0.0 forced a game comment to be displayed instantly instead of being queued. The "!" is trimmed, making the message " went in the drink" instead. But in v3.7.0.0, this bug is not emulated, and as a result the message "! went in the drink" is shown later, pushing all the subsequent comments 0.88 seconds forward in time, and pushing the start of the next turn forward 0.88 seconds, resulting a desynchronization.

This bug will be properly emulated in the next release. In the meantime it can be properly played back using v3.6.31.0.

Congratulations to _ssm_ for winning his 9th TCB challenge :)

thx :)


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