Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #806, Multikill Puzzle #2

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hmmmm.... I see I was uploaded wrong replay. This is v2, where Pixie suicide at end (poor Pixie...), but I wanted upload v1 where Pixie survived.   :-X
btw who want see it online live, I can repeat it.  :P


--- Quote from: pavlepavle on January 20, 2023, 05:02 PM ---Yea nice one Abegod and nice solutions guys! That hint about not using dynamite first turn helped a lot  ;D
I was trying to replicate this TA solution, but couldnt get it to work

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I was trying this same way, but red worm after dynamite has much more than 6 HP. Now I hear that red worm used backflip jump before dynamite exploded, so he fly higher and have more damage by fall. And I don't think about use uzi of that way too. But as we see, it was possible too. ToolAssist....


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