Name: BiG Wormio Bros RR Challenge Series #07
Type: TTRR
Started: May 07, 2023, 11:58 AM
Expire time: May 28, 2023, 12:30 PM
You can still submit your time. But you won't recieve the 4 points as it is not the current challenge anymore.
Challenge maps:
Scheme File(s):
TT Big RR (ldet)
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It is time for the seventh installment of the BiG RR Chally Series.
And rUNaW4y contributed another awsome map for us!
This time the roper wins who can rope the fastest thorugh
Super Wormio Bros Big RR Map!
Rules:Use a RopeRace Scheme that have unlimited turn time, and no end of turn when falling.
Start on the line at"start" and finish by touching ground of the "finish" or the word itself.
Custom medals: