Challenges > Challenges

Challenge #852, Flat Earth Apocalypse (FEA) Challenge

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I'm tried again too. Not a record, but at least something. Next time I will try make an hour record.  :D

TIP1: you need big resolution (1920x1200) for good results. On 800x600 is that unplayable (yes, I'm tried that too).
TIP2: you can try 2 modes: 1. with Ctrl+Home for have worm always in middle of screen, or 2. with ScrollLock for frozen screen on one place and only worm move, but it need FullHD screen (if you do not have that resolution on your laptop, you can connect it to TV which have).
TIP3: be fast as hell  ;)

TIP4: plan your trace ahead (see attached image)
TIP5: explosion hurts only in that millisecond when meteor hit ground, boom animation is safe yet

Thank you for the tips, my resolution is 1366 x 768. I don't have TV so, I can't amplify my resolution. It seems the resolution REALLY matters for this scheme. Maybe I'll try more, but it seems that I won't have a good chance playing on my laptop. I played with ctrl + home or holding left button with the mouse. I did not try with scroll lock, but my resolution is not so big.

Zooming in WA... When?

Zooming what? How? Where?

I have 24" LCD screen (more than 10 years old Samsung with 1920x1200) with classic big PC. And new record will coming soon.  ;)   (where available ofc)

44 min 52 sec dodging meteors according to the log. In real life, that would be 17 min 36 sec dodging meteors I think (considering only the retreat time). Wow! I doubt I'll beat your record. But, at least I beat you once in our 2 rounds online of this scheme. You won the other, though. The others were still learning how to use Jet Pack and press enter. I hope we play more FEA funners or other schemes! It was fun today, long time I don't play Neocombat with 6 players, all of them beginners, unfortunately you were without teams to play (only as spectator), my bad, I didn't see this. The players enjoyed a lot Neocombat, we played 3 rounds!


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