Cups > Cups

Cup #1185, Kaozar (Prize Money)

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Who is crazzywak and how did they own you all? :D


--- Quote from: TheKomodo on March 24, 2023, 11:18 PM ---Who is crazzywak and how did they own you all? :D

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I have a confession to make: I completely underestimated crazzywak. I thought that he would remain Inactive during the cup, and that there would be no commitment on his side to try. It turns out that I was wrong on this analysis, and thankfully so. He has proven to be highly active, and committed during the duration of this cup, but not only that, he showed great dexterity as well. Therefor I would like to congratulate him for winning this cup! Congratulations! You earned it! I hope to see you again next time :)

--- Quote from: Mr-gusa on March 24, 2023, 08:15 PM ---Beautiful scheme!
I had wet dreams about winning this cup, but it didn't happen... anyway I can celebrate second place! Congratulations crazywak! you deserve it
Thanks Kradie! I had a lot of Fun

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Don't worry gusa, your dreams helped you come this far, and showed us real competitiveness, particularly with crazzywak. Good job on the second place :) I am proud of you  8)

To the rest of you: Thank you for participating in my cups. It means a great deal. Let's continue to make WA great :) Keep on worming!  ;D

It's always exciting to find new players who are capable of taking down some of the top dogs!


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