Quote from: Big Billy on October 29, 2024, 12:46 AMTime for a 2vs2 wxw cup 
Open for suggestions for an other scheme.
Hey, nice cup! I'll join a bit later, if I find a partner.
I can offer some of my variations of WxW. At least it could be something new and unusual for many people, like a sip of fresh air.
WxW ShopperWxW Shopper (1 Crate)Acrobatic WxW ShopperThey are constantly being tested for more than a year. The balance is quite good, although these schemes contains some of controversial / 'weird' weapons for WxW (cows, machine gun, axe). If any of the schemes are approved in general, it's possible to make some small changes to adapt to more competitive playstyle (mine fuse adjustment, mines a barrels number adjustment etc)... Any reasonable suggestions are welcome.
What's special about these schemes (briefly):
1. As I mentioned before, they contains some kind of 'weird' and unusual weapons for WxW: Cows, HHG, Machine Gun, Axe, Mole. Someone can say it's imbalanced. I can answer: balance can be created not only by banning all types of weapons, which damage is greater than a Sheep has, but also by
allowing these types of weapons in a
fair proportion. In this system one weapon balances the other. And I find this concept more interesting than the other, where half of the weapons are totally banned.
2. It is worth to mention, that the Mole Bomd and the Petrol Bomb are really good here, unlike the standard league WxW scheme, where Petrol inflicts less damage than Bazooka in the 95% of cases, and there's no Mole at all. Btw, the HostingBuddys scheme has a Mole, but it's completely useless shit there. So I fixed this inequity:
- Petrol Bomb now deals more damage on average than Bazooka (even on flat surface).
- Mole Bomb deals ~54 damage on precise hit, creating a blast wave slightly larger than a dynamite. This weapon is very convenient for knocking worms out from upper hideouts, knocking them down from the ceiling, or simply throwing them over large distances across the map (with LG used). Unique mechanic for usual WxW for sure.
3. There are LG and Freeze, as well-proven and usable things in HostingBuddys schemes.
4. There are different variations of the schemes:
- Usual version, similar as possible to the classic WxW, but with mentioned changes, of course.
- One Crate version, where the only one crate can be on the surface at a time. This version has its own advantages.
- Acrobatic version, where you can attack from air while flying (AFA), or in-between rope swings. This is the part of TestStuff.
I hope, someone will love these schemes, like me and my friends does. I'm open to any reasonable recommendations and feedback. Thanks.