Cups > Cups

Cup #552, Abnormal Public Cup

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antho and LTK: i will have time tomorrow to play if u guys will be online :D


--- Quote from: OrangE on March 09, 2013, 01:32 PM ---antho and LTK: i will have time tomorrow to play if u guys will be online :D

--- End quote ---

I should be hopefully.

MI, Wg, I'm on call today, but I can play sunday and normally durings weekdays in the evenings :)
WG, if you're in AG, you can send a message to the IRC channels with ,irc [message]. If you message has D1 of DarkOne in it, it will beep me :)

Nice medals ae

REMINDER - Group-phase Deadline - Friday 22 (23.59 GMT) - only 13 days left

You have to be fair and doing your best making each round. There won't be extra time

I wish you good luck  :)


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