Cups > Cups

Cup #947, Free League Lite

(1/15) > >>

Oh my god....that many schemes for a cup it wont work it will never end it must be pure horror but try it try uncle Triad ^^

I wouldve called this lifetime marathon tournament

Ow boy! Wish I could play these bo100 games. :-X

I like the idea in theory but that's gonna take so long  :o  Should just be 5 schemes all bo1 imo.

Ty for this, cant play any of my schemes for tus anymore since tfl is dead.screw wascar tho.

It might take long, but who said finish them all in one session? :)

Also schemes are not really long. Abnormal and Darts rounds are pretty fast. Aerial, Boom, Bungee are single round AND with sudden death. I don't think Kaos and Wascar will take time either.


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