Cups > Cups

Game #115251, Reported by AsbestMisha

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doesnt look like

avirex has done this before, but even more extreme, kind of as a mock to his opponent.  still, it's normal competitive gamesmanship, whatever it takes to win.  you plop all 3 worms, expect their 3rd worm to go as safe as possible ;p

He just got rage coz ploped 3 worms,and then,I just finished as needed. Thats ur problem,guaton. As I told, keep your lose with dignity.

just go to sleep/wank/ask some1 about sucking ur cock(as u usually do it in wormnet lol)/touch ur anus lmfao , i dont give a f@#! about what u say about dignity and blabla XD if u didnt like my attitude , then live with it or get over it , period xD.
Again insulting. Muted again.



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