Cups > Cups

Game #125582, reported by nappy


The weirdest match I ever played :p Ivo refused to replay any of these rounds... gg :\

Misclicked worm select? There could have been other solution.

Yeah, I'm all into replaying any of these rounds, but it appears that Ivo has better things to do right now :)

No no no.
It's not that I have other things to do  :P

I do think that, it's fair when we surrender accidentally, to admit our loss. No matters the advantage or disadvantage in the round. I don't say this just to be nice or something. If I would be loosing and my opponent would do that mistake, I would claim that win.

It's a risk that we have aware that we are taking, when we click f12 instead of mouse right click and, if there are people that don't press f12 to not fall on that risk, it's fair that, who decide to take the risk, suffer the consequence. Hihi!

Take care and good luck!!  :)


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