Game #173920, Viewed 349 Time(s)

3rd HtH Fighting cup 3rd HtH cup
Group 3
July 26, 2014, 02:28 PM
Romania UC PCMR dS
Gained 5 points
France UC AbC dS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
11 - 8
Information Cup name: : #685: 3rd HtH Fighting cup
Cup scheme(s):
Hand to Hand version 1.6
Hand to Hand version 1.7

Game Result: 2:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 585 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`Gerrit] Gooder fun@
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Funzafunz. :)
[UC`Gerrit] Brb CoC
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Orly.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] What did I just do. xD
[MarianRV`dS`ae] and i told myself never to join hth cup again...
[UC`Gerrit] I got silver last time
[UC`Gerrit] Because silly fp
[MarianRV`dS`ae] mine fuse was random?
[UC`Gerrit] Didn't want to activate
[UC`Gerrit] ye
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I forgot.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I thought mines could very well be instant.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ws?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] ???
[MarianRV`dS`ae] forgot about that...
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Oh right, pressed F4 once.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] FP + F4 = DB.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Very troll.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Now I need DB.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Nt!
[MarianRV`dS`ae] coudlnt be 2 sec
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] What did my jetpack do.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] :P
[UC`Gerrit] Hmm
[UC`Gerrit] I guess
[MarianRV`dS`ae] oh,shut up with the "lucker" word..
[UC`Gerrit] Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Finally the correct weapon.
[UC`Gerrit] Spoon_head spotted
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what ti i?
[UC`Gerrit] :(
[MarianRV`dS`ae] did*
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Oopsito.
[UC`Gerrit] Fp=plop now
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Couldn't hear the timer because shouting cousin.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Finally.
[UC`Gerrit] Insta mine eh?
[UC`Gerrit] Lol
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] You're lucky there too because I don't have the sense of timing to JP LG FP.
[UC`Gerrit] Didn't think you would be that silly :D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] silly?
[UC`Gerrit] Db ae? :D
[UC`Gerrit] Not you marian
[UC`Gerrit] talking about letk
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] LG off ae?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I dunno in fact.
[UC`Gerrit] vnt
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Forgot to mine.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Trigger it, even.
[UC`Gerrit] ooooooooo
[UC`Gerrit] lucky jump in the end :o
[UC`Gerrit] I mean, high chance of failure
[UC`Gerrit] gj
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Ty. :D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] luck,luck,luck,luck
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i start to get pissed off
[UC`Gerrit] Skill skill skill skill
[UC`Gerrit] I said the jump itself was lucky
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] That's what I try to take away from you!
[UC`Gerrit] Not saying you are
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wrong worm.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Bee el.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what to take away?
[UC`Gerrit] Nah nvm I see where this is going
UC`Gerrit shits up
UC`Gerrit shuts* lol.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] ;o
[UC`Gerrit] Close
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Barrel. :D
[UC`Gerrit] You'd not kill him anyway
[UC`Gerrit] nice
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Luckkkkk... gj.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Lolo.
[UC`Gerrit] nice knock
[MarianRV`dS`ae] keep calling me lucker
[UC`Gerrit] Kami
[UC`Gerrit] Kami mate
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Well he will die.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i dont sacrifice
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Just without hitting me.
[UC`Gerrit] You just let him live
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i did better damage than with kami
[UC`Gerrit] And he'll have a worm extra
[UC`Gerrit] No he'd plop silly :D
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Ohai.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Nice.
[UC`Gerrit] Nicellent
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Bee el.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] everything going as planned
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] %RZEIhliqgrhjknhgehrjr,e;h,rkr,re;
[UC`Gerrit] Lol @my group
[UC`Gerrit] Vado yeaaaaaaaaaaaa pown him
[MarianRV`dS`ae] just keep it going ltk
[UC`Gerrit] z0rk where de hell are you
[MarianRV`dS`ae] that shows what friends we are
[UC`Gerrit] Pizzashiz yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay another win
[UC`Gerrit] Wut.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I mean seriously.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] wtf
[UC`Gerrit] The Shadow perfect damage
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] You got that one solely because I didn't kb good.
[UC`Gerrit] Letk is leading
[UC`Gerrit] now Marian is
[MarianRV`dS`ae] sure?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Was, apparently.
[UC`Gerrit] yes
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Gj lucker.
[UC`Gerrit] Amount of worms
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] WSE. :D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ...
[UC`Gerrit] Is more important than amount of hp marian
[UC`Gerrit] Hhueheuheuheuhe xDDDDDDDDDDD
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Now if you deny your luck, Marian.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I'll buy you a hat and you'll eat it.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Orly.
[UC`Gerrit] no
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Go away, silly FD.
[UC`Gerrit] Noooooooooooooooo
[UC`Gerrit] go away
[UC`Gerrit] nooooooo
[UC`Gerrit] gg
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Oops.
[UC`Gerrit] yes
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Gg.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Why do we have kami.
[UC`Gerrit] Totaly expected

[UC`Gerrit] Gooder fun! njoy! funza! hf!
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Hfs.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] gl,hf everyone except ltk
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Might as well st*u then.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] you annoy me with always calling me lucker
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] The truth hurts...
[MarianRV`dS`ae] yea truth...
[MarianRV`dS`ae] so much friendship here
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] You also have the luck of having a biased spectator.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] biased?
[UC`Gerrit] let's say a spectator who shouts out loud
[UC`Gerrit] But then, it's the madcow
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Excuses. :P
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ...
[UC`Gerrit] :P
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I'll throw an Old Woman at you.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Nt bee el thief.
[UC`Gerrit] At whom?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] The madcow. :P
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i should have quited UC when i was in the mood for it
[UC`Gerrit] Noooooooooooooo :o
[UC`Gerrit] Yes, indeed.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i think i will be soon enough
[UC`Gerrit] I am tired of guys who only say there going to quit
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] <3
[UC`Gerrit] LUCKER
[UC`Gerrit] xd
[MarianRV`dS`ae] even ltk turned against me
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] There, unlucked.
[UC`Gerrit] No you mean even piki
[MarianRV`dS`ae] did you?
[UC`Gerrit] Dunno
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Okay so dude.
[UC`Gerrit] ooooooooo
[UC`Gerrit] nt
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I'm in holidays, I have no timed for silly drama.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Ntness.
[UC`Gerrit] I do! :D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] like i am in school...
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] -d
[UC`Gerrit] :
[UC`Gerrit] niceness
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] And in a general way, I don't want drama.
[UC`Gerrit] You seem to enjoy it though
[UC`Gerrit] I see it in your eyes...
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Nt barrel rape.
[UC`Gerrit] COME ON
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] xD
[UC`Gerrit] xd
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what's wrong with you guys?
[UC`Gerrit] Wth
[UC`Gerrit] Dunno
[UC`Gerrit] Trying to have fun
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what fun
[UC`Gerrit] Didn't know that was a crime
[UC`Gerrit] Making jokes lol
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ltk's fault for my behaviour
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Excuses.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Knew.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] yea fake excuser
[UC`Gerrit] No, maybe you should learn that life isn't serious
[UC`Gerrit] You're going to die anyway
[MarianRV`dS`ae] well
[MarianRV`dS`ae] car accidents happen
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Rofl.
[UC`Gerrit] gj!...
[UC`Gerrit] Oh this isn't ab
[UC`Gerrit] oooooo. nvm..
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] "Ty."
[UC`Gerrit] Wat.
MarianRV`dS`ae..UC`Gerrit: planning something
[UC`Gerrit] did not see that comin
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] ;o
[UC`Gerrit] Woaaaaaaaaaaa
UC`Gerrit..MarianRV`dS`ae: wat?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] And the Romanian thief again. :P
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] (Jk don't take it personally.)
[UC`Gerrit] Okay
[MarianRV`dS`ae] at least you didnt make me a pile of junk...
[UC`Gerrit] I'll take it generally
MarianRV`dS`ae..UC`Gerrit: worked
UC`Gerrit..MarianRV`dS`ae: You screwed yourself
MarianRV`dS`ae..UC`Gerrit: why?
UC`Gerrit..MarianRV`dS`ae: nvm
UC`Gerrit..MarianRV`dS`ae: He didn't care
[MarianRV`dS`ae] oh god...
[UC`Gerrit] aaaaaaaaaaaa
[UC`Gerrit] my leg
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Worth it?
[UC`Gerrit] dragon ball the barrel me thinks
[UC`Gerrit] or fp it :o
[UC`Gerrit] Lol
[MarianRV`dS`ae] or neither
[UC`Gerrit] Wth
[UC`Gerrit] You're making yourself a grave
[UC`Gerrit] nvm
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] He's weak enough.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Also, that.
[UC`Gerrit] lol
[MarianRV`dS`ae] now calling me weak
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what's next?
[UC`Gerrit] It's about the amount of worms
[UC`Gerrit] Not HP
[UC`Gerrit] Lmao
[MarianRV`dS`ae] calling me rubbish
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] The worm!
[UC`Gerrit] Marian
[UC`Gerrit] he jest said
[UC`Gerrit] Your worm didn't have much HP
[UC`Gerrit] :o
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Misunderstanding on purpose.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] yup,liers
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Truthers.
[UC`Gerrit] Me? a lier?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wrong Kami again.
[UC`Gerrit] three :(
[UC`Gerrit] Madcow stage three :(
[UC`Gerrit] Don't go back
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Stop shouting during my turns cousin.
[UC`Gerrit] You got nothing to lose
MarianRV`dS`ae..UC`Gerrit: i know what i do
[UC`Gerrit] Maybe from under? Lmao
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Could have telecide'd.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Orly.
[UC`Gerrit] Lol
[UC`Gerrit] Why the easy way
[MarianRV`dS`ae] lucky you..
[UC`Gerrit] When you can do it the hard one too
[UC`Gerrit] No silly you :o
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Approved.
[UC`Gerrit] LMAO
[UC`Gerrit] Keep your worms closer man
[MarianRV`dS`ae] piki
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Turn off the madcow. ;D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] stop damn giving advices
[UC`Gerrit] Sorry
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Okay that was silly. xD
[UC`Gerrit] Didn't know it was a crime
[UC`Gerrit] :o
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Hmm.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wrong teleport.
[UC`Gerrit] agreed.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] !live
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Doubt it will but eh.
[UC`Gerrit] He can burn your pants now marian
[UC`Gerrit] But he's too scared
[UC`Gerrit] Wtf could you possibly lose with tele porting close
[UC`Gerrit] same here
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Nt WSE?
[UC`Gerrit] go to him
[MarianRV`dS`ae] f@#! it insta-mine
[UC`Gerrit] he has less HP lol
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] :(
[UC`Gerrit] go up for a better view?
[MarianRV`dS`ae] f@#! YOU
[UC`Gerrit] Lmao
[UC`Gerrit] gg.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Agreed.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Geggles.

[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Sure everything is obvious from your sofa, Piki.
[UC`Gerrit] Gooder fun!
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Funzafunz. :)
[UC`Gerrit] Lol, what did I do? :o
[UC`Gerrit] ooooooooo
[MarianRV`dS`ae] and now i dont even understand what's going on in plop war cup
[UC`Gerrit] Got it
[UC`Gerrit] :D
[UC`Gerrit] ofcourse
[UC`Gerrit] And when I start playing
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Me neither, Marian.
[UC`Gerrit] I do something even dumber
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Yeah, mind your madcow.
[UC`Gerrit] Hmm
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Lol what the map. xD
[UC`Gerrit] Russians going on in plop war cup
[UC`Gerrit] :(
[UC`Gerrit] Nicely blocked yourself
MarianRV`dS`ae..UC`Gerrit: better than a plop
[UC`Gerrit] That's not worthy pm'ing?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] What isn't?
[UC`Gerrit] vn
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Oh gj.
[UC`Gerrit] me: nicely blocked yourself
[MarianRV`dS`ae] you forgot to call me lucker...
[UC`Gerrit] He ''better than a plop
[UC`Gerrit] Who said luckers aren't nice
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Silly firepunch. xD
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Err, jetpack.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Lucker.
[UC`Gerrit] Husk and I call eachother asd lucker beach
[UC`Gerrit] :D
[UC`Gerrit] Vn
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Stahp. xD
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Lol.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] didnt need that crate anyway
[UC`Gerrit] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[UC`Gerrit] Meanie
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Had enough things to steal already?
[UC`Gerrit] Racist.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Indeed.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] + Health Crate.
[UC`Gerrit] you forgot to include fd
[MarianRV`dS`ae] fd?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Fall damage.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] You.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Lolo.
[UC`Gerrit] lg fp
[UC`Gerrit] plop
[UC`Gerrit] wrong side
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] No time for LG. :(
[UC`Gerrit] and no lg
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wow.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] That did work.
[UC`Gerrit] so wow
[UC`Gerrit] much nice
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] That's quite something.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Very thanks.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Ok stahp.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Not my worms!
[MarianRV`dS`ae] well
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i have to kill yours
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I also have to kill yours.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] But WA doesn't let me.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] it lets
[UC`Gerrit] him kill hisself, indeed.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Look at the health bars.
[UC`Gerrit] Booooooooooo
[UC`Gerrit] Lamo skips
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Loool.
[UC`Gerrit] Well
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i dont know the order of my worms
[UC`Gerrit] You collcected the crate?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] I died on the way cos silly WA. :(
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] .
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] 3
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] .Thx cousin.
[UC`Gerrit] ''Ze are welcome
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] But since you're Marian, you won't take it into account.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] ??
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i dont get it tbh
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Why be fair after all.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Yeah better don't get it.
[UC`Gerrit] don't get what though?
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Annoy people and don't get it.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i dont know....
[UC`Gerrit] I know you don't know
[MarianRV`dS`ae] like you dont annoy me ltk
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Yeah good for you.
[UC`Gerrit] You were just saying that
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Noooooo.
[UC`Gerrit] Gg
[MarianRV`dS`ae] crate saved you
[UC`Gerrit] Letk will wi
[UC`Gerrit] n
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] It had to.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Ty.
[UC`Gerrit] gg
[UC`Gerrit] Silly
[UC`Gerrit] Lucky escape
[UC`Gerrit] Gg
[UC`Gerrit] xD
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Might as well spaat the spaat up.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] :D
[UC`Gerrit] lol
[UC`Gerrit] Lg kami
[UC`Gerrit] Silly :D
[MarianRV`dS`ae] i cant do that big combination
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Close!
[UC`Gerrit] From your place even
[UC`Gerrit] Gg
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Rofl.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] umm...
[UC`Gerrit] Stahp lmao xDDDDDDDD
[MarianRV`dS`ae] what's so funny...
[UC`Gerrit] The fail
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] The way it failed?
[UC`Gerrit] :D
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] 'lo.
[UC`Gerrit] high.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wanna dai?
[MarianRV`dS`ae] damn arrow
[UC`Gerrit] lucker
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Bl.
[UC`Gerrit] He'd kill you
[UC`Gerrit] Gg
[MarianRV`dS`ae] wtf...
[MarianRV`dS`ae] hmm,i was pressing f5
[UC`Gerrit] lol.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Wheeew.
[UC`Gerrit] Wind and gg
[UC`Gerrit] Gg
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Luck and gg.
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Jk.
[UC`Gerrit] Cyaaaaaaaaaz
[UC`LeTK`AbC-dS] Think and gg.
[MarianRV`dS`ae] always luc
[UC`Gerrit] Gotta eat
[UC`Gerrit] :)

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