Cups > Cups

Game #199747, reported by style


This is an incomplete game atm, will you be continuing it? Or did Tomi agree to leave it as bo1?

[2015-10-25 09.55.08] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2015-10-25 09.55.10] ••• Starting game, recorded as file "User\Games\2015-10-25 09.55.10 [Online] @dt-stylez, cfcTomi.WAgame"
[2015-10-25 10.11.30] [cfcTomi] sry i dont have time for 2nd game :(
[2015-10-25 10.12.05] [cfcTomi] cya.. you can report ;)

Basically I don't like to take free wins..


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