Cups > Cups

Game #211051, reported by Lukz


[KH-Trunks] this scheme is better imo
[Lukz``TaG] what is different?
[Lukz``TaG] xD
[KH-Trunks] 1st always go zook
[KH-Trunks] 2nd can mine and nade
[KH-Trunks] xD
[Lukz``TaG] and?
[Lukz``TaG] what more? XD
[KH-Trunks] not sure

HP is 210 at start which gives the 2nd player a better chance for a draw. The purpose is that players start from the same line. With tus scheme the 1st player needs to fail or the 2nd player has no chance (which is possible because of crate luck but still).

Lukz, top placement meta (as 2nd player) may not be the best tactic here xD

The 2nd replay is a good example of how this rule works. The first turns were about equally hard because Lukz had to use bazooka while Kaleu could use a mine.

210 HP didn't help here because Lukz was able to do 45 with bazooka and 50 + 48 with mines, leaving 46 HP to Kaleu on the last turn. Kaleu couldn't have made a draw anyway because he didn't do full damage each turn.

This changes maybe can help, but just in "perfects" games, and that is like the 1% of ropers, the others game are full of mistakes or hard crates. Anyway, the change is good, but it is not enough for the scheme with more influence of luck in competitive games.

shouldnt you read the cups description before you join?  ;D


--- Quote from: Peja on July 03, 2016, 07:18 PM ---shouldnt you read the cups description before you join?  ;D

--- End quote ---

what is ur point? I'm not against the scheme


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