Cups > Cups

Game #216247, reported by Husk

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We dont do such things indeed but Husk does not play GW with us, neither rules pointing out that such behavior is wrong, so we cant expect him tp play just as we do.

Yay noob cups ftw

wtf is all this moaning shit about being dirty ?

If it;s not against the rules and the best way to win why the hell would you expect him not too.

you're argument is basically " he only won because he didn't play the way i wanted him too" .
haha winning would be easy all the time if this is the case.

1. shit cup
2. shit scheme
3. Husk didn't do anything against rules
4. Husk ftw ae! :)

Slayer doesn't like losing, that's a known fact.
But to call out Husk like this, it's just unnecessary.


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