April 16, 2024, 07:41 PM

Game #224893, Viewed 391 Time(s)

Nermal Cup #1 intermediate mode without rope, select worm and other
Group 1
June 29, 2019, 02:11 PM
Germany STF ZaR
Gained 5 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
Information Cup name: : #1084: Nermal Cup #1
Cup scheme(s):

Game Result: 2:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 689 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Vojske] hf
[dt-Saint`DrS] almost elite
[dt-Saint`DrS] mines?
[dt-Saint`DrS] 0?
[Vojske] ye
[dt-Saint`DrS] o0
[Vojske] didnt sure
[Vojske] :S
[Vojske] wait
[dt-Saint`DrS] xD
[dt-Saint`DrS] lmao scheme :p
[dt-Saint`DrS] 2sg :o
[Vojske] 3s
[Vojske] xD
[dt-Saint`DrS] not 0
[dt-Saint`DrS] ah
[dt-Saint`DrS] almost
[Vojske] ew
[dt-Saint`DrS] eh
[dt-Saint`DrS] :o
[dt-Saint`DrS] aliluja!
[Vojske] :D
[Vojske] good move :D
[dt-Saint`DrS] yes almsot elite
[dt-Saint`DrS] whew
[dt-Saint`DrS] aj
[Vojske] phew\
[dt-Saint`DrS] xDDD
[dt-Saint`DrS] yes!
[dt-Saint`DrS] haha
[dt-Saint`DrS] 2sg
[Vojske] xD
[dt-Saint`DrS] cant use suicide :<
[Vojske] jet rly
[dt-Saint`DrS] ROFLMAO
[Vojske] hmm
[dt-Saint`DrS] wow
[Vojske] dont know
[Vojske] about sd
[dt-Saint`DrS] i too xd
[dt-Saint`DrS] surprise
[dt-Saint`DrS] mmm
[Vojske] gg
[dt-Saint`DrS] i have ss btw
[dt-Saint`DrS] =D
[Vojske] how
[dt-Saint`DrS] box
[Vojske] lucky
[Vojske] xD
[dt-Saint`DrS] mm
[dt-Saint`DrS] gg

[Vojske] hf
[dt-Saint`DrS] hf
[dt-Saint`DrS] it will hard..
[Vojske] agre
[Vojske] e
[dt-Saint`DrS] yenny ;\
[dt-Saint`DrS] i have 4 girgred
[Vojske] me 2
[dt-Saint`DrS] but previos round only 3
[dt-Saint`DrS] xd
[dt-Saint`DrS] or i just forgot
[Vojske] not sure
[dt-Saint`DrS] i not should block you because i can now plop :D
[Vojske] ye
[dt-Saint`DrS] ='
[Vojske] i think that stark will play
[Vojske] or geschi
[dt-Saint`DrS] =D
[dt-Saint`DrS] 4 boxes
[dt-Saint`DrS] mm
[dt-Saint`DrS] bye bye
[Vojske] :D
[Vojske] easy one
[dt-Saint`DrS] damn noob
[Vojske] ^
[dt-Saint`DrS] 2airstrike
[Vojske] cmon
[dt-Saint`DrS] new weapon from 1st round here
[dt-Saint`DrS] ah
[Vojske] as\f
[Vojske] \]as,fsalf
[dt-Saint`DrS] lmao
[Vojske] all box on your side
[Vojske] another ss
[dt-Saint`DrS] eh
[Vojske] n luck
[dt-Saint`DrS] really
[dt-Saint`DrS] i have holy btw
[dt-Saint`DrS] xDDDD
[dt-Saint`DrS] and yet
[dt-Saint`DrS] ahah
[Vojske] more box...
[Vojske] more
[dt-Saint`DrS] yah
[dt-Saint`DrS] finally
[dt-Saint`DrS] ;D
[dt-Saint`DrS] eh
[dt-Saint`DrS] weeeee
[Vojske] xD
[dt-Saint`DrS] you have chanse now
[dt-Saint`DrS] auf
[Vojske] amost double
[dt-Saint`DrS] ffs
[dt-Saint`DrS] 2
[Vojske] ka[pdfmasflaf
[dt-Saint`DrS] xDDDD
[dt-Saint`DrS] aw][ldpoompawpo'djwpdaw
[dt-Saint`DrS] dawpwlkakaw\[pka
[Vojske] cya

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