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Game #240567, reported by tita, Viewed 217 Time(s)

Academy of Artillery #2 AoA 2
Knockout, Round 1
February 10, 2024, 06:44 PM

Gained 5 points

Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
Information Cup name: : #1229: Academy of Artillery #2
Cup scheme(s):
#5369 Aerial K
#992 Bazooka and Grenade
#5048 Forts K
#5049 Grenade Wars K
#16 +LG

Game Result: 3:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 437 time(s).
2560 x 2088, PNG, 60.54 KB, Downloaded 391 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Komito`a2a] Hf
[Monster] hf gl
[Ledan`dF] gl hf
[sock] hf gl
[Monster] f@#!
[Monster] I'M NOT BLUE
[Monster] XD
[Monster] SORRY CAPS
[Monster] XD
[Monster] this key always pressing without my comand
[sock] nice map
[Ledan`dF] agreed, one of the better ones
[Ledan`dF] oh no
[Monster] nh
[Monster] :D
[Ledan`dF] what a hide
[Ledan`dF] ye
[Monster] ty
[Ledan`dF] wee
[Monster] safe now
[Monster] i think
[Ledan`dF] trampoline
[Monster] pls, remember if i start to kill the red team
[Komito`a2a] Gj
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] you cant plead insanity in a tus match
[Ledan`dF] sorory
[Ledan`dF] sorry
[Ledan`dF] phew
[Ledan`dF] aw
[Monster] aw
[Monster] i'm getting close
[Ledan`dF] lol
[Ledan`dF] almost f@#!ed it up
[Ledan`dF] oofa
[Monster] my lucky man
[Ledan`dF] f@#!ing up my hides since 2016
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] helps for later at least
[Ledan`dF] bruh
[Monster] knew it
[Ledan`dF] ah
[Ledan`dF] less pwoer
[Monster] xD
[Ledan`dF] xd
[Ledan`dF] that takes care of that worm
[Monster] 100% random
[Ledan`dF] damn
[Monster] ufff
[Monster] bl
[Ledan`dF] 5s would have hit
[Ledan`dF] but how could i have predicted that
[Monster] so far away
[Ledan`dF] ah
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] that worm going last in order, really unlucky
[Monster] blah
[Ledan`dF] bye
[Monster] bye bye baby
[Komito`a2a] Ns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Monster] very bad
[Ledan`dF] i see a better shot now
[Ledan`dF] this scheme would benefit from girder radius assist,lol
[Monster] tele or die
[Monster] xD
[Ledan`dF] i choose neither
[Monster] ns
[Ledan`dF] damn
[Ledan`dF] 10
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] yep, neither
[Ledan`dF] oh shiet
[Monster] uhh
[sock] woa
[Ledan`dF] !!!
[Ledan`dF] lul
[Komito`a2a] Nice triple bank lmao
[Komito`a2a] Nice shot!
[Ledan`dF] oof
[Ledan`dF] low
[Ledan`dF] high
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] rather
[Ledan`dF] need lower
[sock] nt
[Monster] :(
[Monster] gg?
[Ledan`dF] seems so
[Ledan`dF] gg
[Ledan`dF] no!
[Monster] aee
[Komito`a2a] What
[Ledan`dF] that worm bonced a lot
[Komito`a2a] No fall damage?
[Ledan`dF] but didnt take any fall damage
[Ledan`dF] somehow
[Monster] gg
[Ledan`dF] gg
[Komito`a2a] Gg
[sock] gg
[Komito`a2a] So tita pick
[Monster] fort
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 62.47 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Komito`a2a] HF
[Ledan`dF] GL HF
[sock] hf
[Monster] hf gl
[Monster] CAK
[Monster] ok, no skunk
[Ledan`dF] xd
[Monster] wtf
[Monster] I see a pixel
Monster..sock: xDDDDDDDDD
[Monster] ;)
sock..Monster: heh
[Ledan`dF] oofa
[Monster] :)
[Monster] 1ws ( i'm counting like rafka )
[Ledan`dF] really
[Monster] bl
[Monster] uhh
[sock] 3r 2ws 2cow
[sock] nt
[Monster] xD
[Monster] whoohaaaa
[Monster] holy
[Monster] pls
[Ledan`dF] get in there
[Ledan`dF] plz
[Monster] zilian sheep
[Monster] i see
[Monster] bl
[Ledan`dF] oof
[Monster] ok
Monster 2ws
[Monster] ns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Komito`a2a] GJ
[Monster] t
[Monster] comet
[Ledan`dF] good shot
[Monster] ty
[sock] ;o
[Ledan`dF] and mine doesnt hit
[Ledan`dF] of course
[Ledan`dF] why would it
[Ledan`dF] huh
[Monster] blhaaa
[Monster] phew
[Ledan`dF] the grenade really goes everywhere except where i want it to
[Monster] ah man
[Monster] holy shit
[Monster] tita poops
[Monster] tae
[Ledan`dF] ??????
[Ledan`dF] that was mental
[Monster] crazy like alcool + weed
[Komito`a2a] Yeah lol
[Komito`a2a] Vns
[Monster] ty
[Monster] xD
[Monster] bl
[Komito`a2a] Vns
[Monster] t
[sock] ns
[Monster] t
[Ledan`dF] stop
[Ledan`dF] going there
[Monster] insane shots u have
[Komito`a2a] What
[Komito`a2a] Is going on
[Monster] aff
[Ledan`dF] at least now it makes it easier
[Ledan`dF] oh god i missed the hide
[Ledan`dF] gg
[Monster] bl ae man
[Monster] careful pixel
[Monster] bah
[Monster] my wall
[Monster] uhh
[Ledan`dF] lul
[Monster] kinda ugly shot
[Monster] :)
[Monster] olé
[Monster] toro
[Monster] replay on here
[Monster] in the KOMO TV
[Monster] ONLY HERE*
[sock] n
[Monster] T
Monster..sock: my plan is open and sheep
[Monster] bruhhh
[Ledan`dF] does this mean i lose?
[Ledan`dF] or no
[Ledan`dF] or that rule isnt in effect
[Ledan`dF] well, but this might
[Monster] idk man
[Monster] adk chat GPT
[Monster] ask*
[Monster] ns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Monster] $#@$#%!#
[Ledan`dF] what
[Monster] AW
[Ledan`dF] piece of shit grave
[Ledan`dF] orange like the flames
[Ledan`dF] oofa
[Monster] ...
[sock] n
[Ledan`dF] t
[Ledan`dF] thats gg
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] no its not!
[Ledan`dF] now it can be
[Ledan`dF] where you GIINGGG
[Ledan`dF] goinggg
[Monster] i will not make pilles
[Monster] no place to hide
[Monster] no hide = no attack
[Ledan`dF] thats a terrible hid
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] one down
[Ledan`dF] ledan down
[Ledan`dF] gg
[Monster] xd
[Komito`a2a] 1hp!
[Ledan`dF] f@#!s sake
[Monster] TORTURE
[Monster] WAIT
[Ledan`dF] `all of my nades go in this hole
[Monster] UH
[Monster] gg
[Ledan`dF] ther
[Ledan`dF] gg
[Komito`a2a] Gg
Random generated map by the game.
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Game Chat(s)
[Komito`a2a] Hf
[Monster] hf gl
[Monster] phew
[Monster] UHH
[Monster] ahh
[Ledan`dF] oof
[Ledan`dF] bl
[Monster] xd
[Monster] animals
[Monster] f@#!
[Monster] i'm in the granade explosion hole
[Monster] lol
[Monster] ops
[Komito`a2a] 2 min break after this round
[Monster] wow
[Monster] xd
[Monster] ok
[Ledan`dF] there a possiblity that we will have to finish some other day
[Monster] ops lol
[Monster] rlly? only 1 fast hyst xD
[Ledan`dF] depends on how long this takes
[sock] ns
[Monster] ty
[Komito`a2a] Ns
[Monster] whooaa
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Monster] WTF
[Monster] vns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Komito`a2a] Vns
[Monster] uff
[Ledan`dF] not this time
[Monster] xd
[Ledan`dF] 4
[Ledan`dF] brv
[Monster] gj
[Komito`a2a] Very nice
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] back in the lead baby
[Monster] xd
[Komito`a2a] Vnt
[Monster] tae
[Ledan`dF] lol
[Monster] xD
[Ledan`dF] sticky
[Ledan`dF] really
[Monster] xD
[Ledan`dF] ah
[Monster] oiii
[Monster] nt
[Ledan`dF] -hmm
[Monster] uh
[Ledan`dF] almost slipped
[Monster] now i hit
[Monster] lol
[Komito`a2a] Wow
[Monster] :)
[Komito`a2a] How did you not see this pile coming Ledan
[Komito`a2a] Disappointed lol
[Monster] xDDDDDDD
[sock] nt
[Ledan`dF] can you come tomorrow 18 gmt?
[Ledan`dF] not finishing this one today saly
[Ledan`dF] sadly
[Ledan`dF] im sure of it
[Monster] I can't
[Monster] ns
[Ledan`dF] when can you then
[Monster] next saturday or sunday
[Ledan`dF] kk, saturday 18 gmt?
[Monster] ok
[Monster] i can all night as well
[Monster] xD
[Ledan`dF] r3ally
[Ledan`dF] not like this burh
[Monster] gg
[Komito`a2a] Gg
[Ledan`dF] gg
[sock] gg
[Komito`a2a] Ok 2 minute break then ledan pick
This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, BIT, 1.21 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Ledan`dF] gl hf
[Ledan`dF] tribal, interesting
[NogardDerNaerok] Have fun folks!
[Monster```] hf gl
[Ledan`dF] gl, hf
[NNN`Kayz] hf
[Ledan`dF] hmm
[Ledan`dF] close
[Ledan`dF] nt
[NogardDerNaerok] Unlucky.
[Monster```] Roberta close
[Monster```] t
[Ledan`dF] i see a shot but at the same time i dont
[Monster```] ok
[Monster```] it's time
[NogardDerNaerok] !!!
[Ledan`dF] there
[Monster```] ns
[Ledan`dF] finally
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] i knew this could work
[NNN`Kayz] vn
[NogardDerNaerok] Good push!
[Ledan`dF] dang, that wind
[Monster```] )
[Monster```] my lucky
[Monster```] bah
[Monster```] seems a easy shot
[Ledan`dF] bitch ass
[NogardDerNaerok] Noice!
[Monster```] xD
[Monster```] t
[Ledan`dF] why you get easy wind
[Monster```] secret thing
[Ledan`dF] REALLY
[NogardDerNaerok] RIP.
[Monster```] FAD was my teacher
[Ledan`dF] now i got no hides at all
[Monster```] bl ae
[NNN`Kayz] is this even allowed xd
[NogardDerNaerok] Oi, what about that stay on your half of the map rule? :D
[Monster```] yes
[Monster```] it's a invasion
[Ledan`dF] well f@#! me then
[Monster```] xD
[Ledan`dF] that was the only good hide
[Ledan`dF] he has all the good hides!
[Monster```] POWER
Monster```..NogardDerNaerok: zero wind + lg + zooka = hit + plop = 10 euros
[Monster```] shit
[Monster```] lags
NogardDerNaerok..Monster```: :D :D
[NogardDerNaerok] Closey.
[NogardDerNaerok] Don't quit
[NogardDerNaerok] Hopefully it recovers.
[Monster```] xd
[NogardDerNaerok] Yep yep.
[Ledan`dF] that dug the worst possible spot
[Ledan`dF] bruh
[Ledan`dF] lags
[Ledan`dF] i see lags
[Ledan`dF] whose
[Ledan`dF] mine?
[Monster```] uh
[Ledan`dF] you see this/
[Ledan`dF] ?
[Ledan`dF] ok
[NogardDerNaerok] It's back!
[Ledan`dF] i no longer see lags
[Ledan`dF] bruh
[Monster```] bah
[Ledan`dF] bru
[Monster```] omfg
[Monster```] noob
[Ledan`dF] not this time
[NogardDerNaerok] The easy ones are the hardest sometimes.
[Ledan`dF] there
[NogardDerNaerok] !!!
[Ledan`dF] at least an opening
[NogardDerNaerok] Should help.
[Monster```] pimba
[NogardDerNaerok] Nice!
[Monster```] lucky
[Ledan`dF] those huts might be the most
[Monster```] uuii
[NogardDerNaerok] O:
[Ledan`dF] stop getting
[Ledan`dF] easy wind
[Monster```] Blue wind next pls, full blue
[NogardDerNaerok] Oh my.
[Monster```] ns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] and he gets what he asked for
[Ledan`dF] what a guy
[Monster```] xD
[NogardDerNaerok] Ntnt.
[NogardDerNaerok] Gooood.
[Monster```] thanks de guerra
[Ledan`dF] im getting pissed now
[Ledan`dF] this map is f@#!ing me
[Ledan`dF] a bit
[NogardDerNaerok] That works.
[Monster```] i'm f@#!ing you, it's not the map playng
[Monster```] trust me
[Ledan`dF] it might not be the map. but it is the object
[Ledan`dF] and the wind
[Ledan`dF] cant forget the wind
[Monster```] 0.1 blue next pls
[Monster```] f@#! lol
[NogardDerNaerok] What a bully.
[Monster```] xD
[Ledan`dF] hg
[Ledan`dF] hujf[
[NogardDerNaerok] Crazy.
[Monster```] xd
[Ledan`dF] i canttt
[Monster```] gg
[Monster```] :)
[NogardDerNaerok] :D
[Ledan`dF] sTOP
[NNN`Kayz] wow!
[NogardDerNaerok] Well played!
[Monster```] xD
[NNN`Kayz] wp
[Ledan`dF] this guy has no chill, ggs
[Monster```] ty

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That last zook from tita in the BnG was actually gorgeous!

Congratz tita making it to the Semi Finals!