Cups > Cups

Game #41251, Reported by Uber


Here is the story; as some of u might know, me and Shui arent exactly bestfriends. Non the less, i asked him in a polite manner 2 play elite cup. First time he said "no". THen later he said; "ok host". I hosted, put scheme and map, then we both lighted. Came ingame, he did nothing. Back in game lobby, once again I lighted and he lighted. Came into the game, this time he placed his worms, but just piling me etc. Then he played a couple turns, then gave a f@#! again.  I just quit the game after a while, and were not planning 2 report this of course. BUT then i see shui asking "lw alguien???" in ag. I try 2 ask him why the hell he didnt play, no answer, just ignore me and keep on asking for lw. Then oldsock writes 2 him and he answer him. Eventho we are "enemies" i think its f@#!ing lame, and a waste of my time, so ill report these as wins. ty

Surely "enemies" at worms would wanna play and try and totally own the other i'd have thought lol

Well me 2. Obviously not the case with SHui. Eventho i would love 2 kick his ass.. ;)


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