Files > Files

File #1017, WMDB-Downloader for Linux (sh)


FYI, WMDB sends an "Author_-_Name.png" filename in Content-Disposition, which you can use with e.g. wget --content-disposition.


--- Quote from: CyberShadow on November 23, 2016, 12:00 AM ---FYI, WMDB sends an "Author_-_Name.png" filename in Content-Disposition, which you can use with e.g. wget --content-disposition.

--- End quote ---

Ugh - I must have been crazy even upload this crappy stuff.
Better, I'll make it better XD

And thanks for the info. =)
Does HostingBuddy use Website parsing, too - or does WMDB provide some kind of HosingBuddyDownloadService?


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