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File #1123, W:A Content Downloader

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I can't click button "Register Firefox" for some reason :o

Hi, this tool must be updated since tus moved from http to https. When I will have time I will fix it.

Btw if that button is disabled then it might be that it can't find firefox at all. Is your firefox installed properly? I mean latest version and not portable thing.


--- Quote from: Tomi on August 17, 2017, 11:13 AM ---Hi, this tool must be updated since tus moved from http to https. When I will have time I will fix it.

Btw if that button is disabled then it might be that it can't find firefox at all. Is your firefox installed properly? I mean latest version and not portable thing.

--- End quote ---
It was a portable thing. But now I use Vivaldi, and Chrome extension installed itself correctly. But as you said, the add-on requires reworking, so...


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