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File #120, Water Colour editor


Labtec Speakers:
I can't seem to actually change the water colour with this. I saved my new colour in the Water folder, but it's still default blue ingame.

Update: Okay I managed to get it to work by saving my Water.dir into "Worms Armageddon\DATA\Gfx" instead. All seems to be in order now.

Hello Labtec,

Welcome to TUS! Glad you figured it out.

I have modified the tool to make it compatible with the new high-fps water.dir from WA 3.8. Many thanks to oScarDiAnno for helping me develop it.
Note: Only "solid" water uses the new 3.8 format, the "transparent" water still uses the old, low-fps format.

Thanks for this!  I've updated Chocolate, Ganja, Camping and Cosmic terrains.

I would like to suggest that the software have an option to randomly generate new options for water (color, saturation, invert color etc.) for every game.
PS: ofc, it would be necessary not include transparent waves in the random settings.


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