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File #1651, (Worms Reloaded) All Speechbanks


Edoardo Moretti:
You should change the "DONT DOWNLOAD THIS.txt" file with "INSTRUCTION.txt"

If someone doesn't know how to put custom speechs on WA.

Edoardo Moretti:
It's me again

I found a different "brilliant.wav" file of Movie Trailer by extracting the resources from the Android version of Worms 2: Armageddon.

Edoardo Moretti:
There's a clean version of the "brilliant.wav" clip i send to you a long ago.

Yep I've Worms Reloaded and Steam now.

i like this game too! Thank you for the Worms Reloaded voices for WA!


--- Quote from: Edoardo Moretti on April 26, 2021, 05:53 PM ---There's a clean version of the "brilliant.wav" clip i send to you a long ago.

Yep I've Worms Reloaded and Steam now.

--- End quote ---

OMG I realized I used the bummer voiceline twice, def gonna patch this.


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