Files > Files

File #2347, Improved Soundbank Editor


This looks pretty great! :)

Note: This will be better if you also add "Amazing", "Brilliant", "Excellent", "Go Away", "Leave Me Alone", "Ouch" and "Perfect". Even if they are not played in-game, I always add them in my speechbanks.

Same, about adding the unused files just in case

Since it was requested, I've updated the sound editor by adding a checkbox that will display unused sounds.

I was working on a new soundbank, and when I tried to view an older soundbank, it asked to save. When I did, it completely overwrote the old soundbank with the new one. Now the new one only has the sounds that were edited.


--- Quote from: TheRandomSurfboard on September 06, 2021, 10:41 PM ---I was working on a new soundbank, and when I tried to view an older soundbank, it asked to save. When I did, it completely overwrote the old soundbank with the new one. Now the new one only has the sounds that were edited.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for noting. It should be fixed now.


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