Files > Files

File #2398, Darts Mission File



glad i could help, if anyone else needs help with setting up a mission, hmu on Sensei's Discord server

What is this, Adnan?

It's a WA mission file linked with Lagnan map, where worms are already placed at start.
Thought it would be helpful to save time from manually placing worms e.g. Some people get cocky and misclick outside the map and we have to wait for that player to teleport back to start.
We can use this mission file on online games too.

Excellent! Who made this?

Well, it's from nizikawa's wkTerrainSync module. I copied and modified the custom WAM file with Notepad, changed values of all Worms X and Y positions to where the start spot is. (You can check the position by pointing the start spot in MSPaint, Photoshop etc of that map e.g 455x766 or something)
TheMadCharles helped me too with this, I checked the values here:
Althought this requires wkTerrainSync module, which most of the players have not downloaded it yet.


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