Files > Files

File #2462, Trippy

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Great terrain. Question: Can there be a darker version?

The same terrain just darker? Changing it up would be quite a lot of work and I'm not sure it would look better for it. This terrain was deliberately a bit garish, popping out against a dark background.


--- Quote from: King-Gizzard on July 05, 2022, 07:37 PM ---The same terrain just darker? Changing it up would be quite a lot of work and I'm not sure it would look better for it. This terrain was deliberately a bit garish, popping out against a dark background.

--- End quote ---
Ah right this makes sense. Nevermind then!

Kradie: "can you add a pink pixel object?"
- Why?
Kradie: "because I want to see if you will do this for me".
- No, I had a lot of work doing this masterpiece.
Kradie: "ok I was just testing if you were not a communist social justice warrior commanded by the globalists to infilter TUS. You are not yet submissive to my orders from ZaR community, but at least you were educated and respectful with me, the biggest TUS man of all."

Foxhound, I've asked Kradie to refrain from politics and he did.  You are just just poking him out of the blue. That is totally unnecessary.


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