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File #2997, Viewed 1210 Time(s)

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Total Members Voted: 6
Name: MixMFolk
Type: Terrain
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Time: March 28, 2024, 11:22 PM
MixMFolk Terrain  32 Objects
A Mix, designed with some Folklore in mind.

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beautiful stuff, it's been a long time since we last got a fresh new quality wkterrain : )

I love the leopard object. I like how the swarm of butterflies object can be tricky, like worms can seemingly hide inside them, and can open it in different ways/or just half ways.

good job Jago ^^


Quote from: Lupastic on March 29, 2024, 01:45 AM
beautiful stuff, it's been a long time since we last got a fresh new quality wkterrain : )
Yeah, excellent quality terrain. I loved it.

¡Viva Zapata!

Quote from: Lupastic on March 29, 2024, 01:45 AM
I love the leopard object.
There are no Leopards in America. What America has is the Jaguar. Although, they both belong to the same genus, Panthera, which is the same genus of the Lion by the way. Although, on the image available of the terrain, it looks like more a Leopard due to the patterns of the fur spots, the Jaguar usually has dots inside those spots, while the Leopard doesn't have it. But, maybe the image is just too small to see the dots. In Brazil we call the Jaguar "Onça-pintada" exactly because the animal has dots inside the spots. Translating, it would be like "Painted cougar", or "dotted cougar", something like this, I don't know.


Wow.This is a very cool landscape! (Reminiscent of Worms WMD)


Quote from: FoxHound on March 29, 2024, 05:38 PM
Yeah, excellent quality terrain. I loved it.

¡Viva Zapata!
There are no Leopards in America. What America has is the Jaguar. Although, they both belong to the same genus, Panthera, which is the same genus of the Lion by the way. Although, on the image available of the terrain, it looks like more a Leopard due to the patterns of the fur spots, the Jaguar usually has dots inside those spots, while the Leopard doesn't have it. But, maybe the image is just too small to see the dots. In Brazil we call the Jaguar "Onça-pintada" exactly because the animal has dots inside the spots. Translating, it would be like "Painted cougar", or "dotted cougar", something like this, I don't know.

You are right, it is actually a Jaguar, a very symbolic animal in Central America, even right here in my city there are some far from the city...


Well, I made a last minute change, I changed one of the small cactus for a mango tree (which in the tropical climates here is very common, there are even in the streets and people cut them down and eat them freely). There were already many cacti (there are still 3 cactus objects) and I wanted to include the mango tree from the beginning but just today I found one that I really liked and gives variety and balance to the size of objects in general.
The file is already updated, if you need to update it, just download it again and replace the respective Level folder.


Beautiful terrain! Thanks and congrats, Jago.


I am happy to let you know that with valuable collaboration and King Gizzard editing, a "night edition" has been added. Making the orignal terrain gives a daytime effect, and this edition a nighttime effect, of course this effect is only achieved by playing with the terrain natively (without converting to PNG).
You can download it in the original post in which the respective zip has already been added.
These are the changes and editions that KingGizzard has made:

*2 layers of background mountains recoloured to be much darker
*New dark 'evening' sky gradient (4 colors)
*Debris made more transparent to background (blends in better)
*All foreground objects now only use 96 colors (from 112) - when using PNG maps, the sky gradient will now draw perfectly. No loss of quality in conversion.
*Changed the explosion border color to a bright green
*Created a new SOIL texture from the original full color object - blended with another texture to fill in the gaps so it's more full and much darker
*Boosted the saturation (+10) of all foreground objects - makes the terrain pop out even more
*Went through each of the 32 objects to fill in all transparent pixels that shouldn't be there and cleaned up other areas (eg, pixels left in where there should be space, eg, between branches on the tree object)
*New water color to suit the scene