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Worms Armageddon 3.8.0 changelog sneak peek

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--- Quote from: Sensei on June 01, 2020, 11:52 PM ---You have permission to be hyped.

--- End quote ---

Remember when I said 1-2 months ago on shoutbox something along the lines of something good will happen soon, this is exactly what I meant... I was starting to think my source was wrong, but glad to see it's finally happening.


--- Quote ---Remember when I said 1-2 months ago on shoutbox something along the lines of something good will happen soon, this is exactly what I meant... I was starting to think my source was wrong, but glad to see it's finally happening.
--- End quote ---
Did you lose hope or something? It was always supposed to happen.

Quite simply, we don't know. While in years gone by it would tend only to take a few days, we have no idea how much Team17's processes and practices have changed in the last 7 years. It's quite possible they will want to give this update a much more thorough going over, and they are completely within their rights to do so, as it's their reputation on the line if this update breaks people's games.


--- Quote from: Muzer on June 02, 2020, 02:50 PM ---as it's their reputation on the line

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, I was completely unaware they still had a rep, was pretty sure they sunk that battleship many years ago.

First off. DeadCode and CyberShadow.

Thank you! Ever since hearing of this update I have been insanely really excited. Hoping the update helps bring more players back to WA as I fear with it dwindling that it may one day disappear.

Do you know are we looking at it being more likely in the next month, 3 months, 6 months, or a year?


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