Forums > Challenges

Want to host a challenge? (Mod request)

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Hello, I would like to create challenge #5 of the mission of my story company

You can create the challenge.

Hello, I'd like to host my first TUS challenge. The challenge will debut the new Drive for Weapons map, the official release of the map, since the prototype received a lot of upgrades. The scheme will receive minor changes (only two). The icon might be updated + we might make a new icon 100x100 thinking on TUS 2.0 requirements for animated image on schemes' list.

We (sbs and I) also thought about asking Monkey Island to make a countdown (like challenges' deadline/expiration time) for the map/challenge release, that we plan to release in 1 week (1st November 2022), however we thought that this might be exagerated, since it could be bad if everybody had countdowns for every map release, not to say Monkey Island is already working on TUS 3.0 + TUS app and administring the website. It would be something very specific and new just for one map, and some players might not like the idea.

Anyway, after long periods of testings and brainstorming around this map with sbs, we are really satisfied with the result and we are proud of this project. After all the hardwork that made me leave Brazil to meet sbs in Mar del Plata (Argentina) in January for two weeks, and probably the opposite will happen (he may come to visit me in Curitiba in March), it's a bit sad to imagine that this map might not receive much attention from the community and might receive a troll tag on WMDB. We are aware of this possibility, but at least we enjoyed a lot creating all these stuff and playing this scheme (my favourite).

The challenge would begin in 1 week as I said and would last 1 month. If it receives a significant participation, we might create a tournament for this scheme/map, on a Sunday. This way, people would already be familiar with the gameplay and know the map route and its possibilities. Special medals will be made for this challenge and a special banner too probably.

You can host the challenge.

Thank you. I noticed that there's no field for a poster/image of the challenge, nor a field for the medals, at least I didn't find on the first screen when you click "submit a new challenge".

Are there any requirements for the custom medals images? Format, size, dimensions, colors? The image can only be attached externally? Any requirements?


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