Forums > Clans & Communities

Looking for a clan


I love hysteria, fly, and boomrace but im always looking for new types. I do not like wxw, tower, or roperace.

Oh, you're just like me, you don't like rope games at all too.
Sadly, since WA sucks, you won't find many clans recruiting people with your scheme preferences (except hysteria, but the others arent much popular).
          Go to the clans page and see if there's any group that
accept your preferences.
          You can create your own too, and invite some friends (or ramdom guys) to your clan.

Good luck and have fun or not

EDIT: You can try joining big clans, they almost always have division for player who play only certain schemes


--- Quote from: Pixy on August 31, 2009, 04:30 AM ---You can try joining big clans, they almost always have division for player who play only certain schemes

--- End quote ---

Erm... CKC'kellykel'BOOMRACEONLY? AFAIK clans generaly prefer allrounders. Maybe he could try with JEDI or smth like that, unfortunately he hates tower and shoppers ::)

its best to pick a clan suited to your attributes, join an aliasing attention seeking noob clan


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