Forums > Files

Help for the Worms Battle Island Speechs

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Edoardo Moretti:
So I downloaded a WBI PSP iso and exported the audio data with UMD Gen. But the files are in .sbk and .sbr,I need help.
Is there any program or converter for those files?

Edoardo Moretti:

The true files to convert are the .sbr files.
I'm waiting for help while I'll gonna find a converter.


I see you posting from time to time trying to bring new stuff to the community but gets ignored because few people are interested. But I want to say that I admire you for continuing to create content in difficult times like this, ciao.  ;D

Edoardo Moretti:

--- Quote from: Kaleu on March 11, 2019, 08:24 PM ---I see you posting from time to time trying to bring new stuff to the community but gets ignored because few people are interested. But I want to say that I admire you for continuing to create content in difficult times like this, ciao.  ;D

--- End quote ---

Many thanks!

Edoardo Moretti:

A program called MFAudio helped me to convert 90% of the files. But Napolean and DitzySoldier's quality seems low. Did you have any idea to clean the audio quality of those speechs, Please?

I could only uploaded a fragment of those 2 files, they are too big.


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