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Anyone know this game? Its like a counter strike 2d....

--- Quote from: Soldat website ---Soldat is an exciting unique side-view multiplayer action game. Played by hundreds of players at this moment. It takes the best from games like Liero, Worms, Quake and Counter-Strike and gives you fast action gameplay with tons of blood and flesh. Little ragdoll soldiers fight against each other on 2D battle arenas using a deadly military arsenal. This is what multiplayer was invented for.

Pure fun, addictive kill'em all gameplay.
--- End quote ---

[A] - run left
[D] - run right
[W] - jump
[S - crouch
[Left Mouse Button] - fire
[Right Mouse Button] - fly
[E] - hold down or release after a while to throw grenade
[F] - throwaway current weapon
[X] - go prone position
[Q] - change weapon to secondary
[R] - reload weapon
[T] - chat
[Tab] - activate/deactivate weapons menu while waiting for respawn

Download here

THE game

lol, there's a clan-video on that page. freaky..

I'm playing Soldat ocassionally when on a LAN party with friends. It's fun for a couple minutes, then gets boring imo. :P

yes,is like CS

is gr8 game for 1 hour playing with friends


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