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Worms "Ripoff" Hedgewars

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--- Quote from: Shadow-The-Worm on February 12, 2018, 04:06 AM ---Not just Hedgewars stole the concept from Worms series, they even stole Sonic The Hedgehog sprites for their Hat and Flag remakes. Same with Nintendo's Mario being stolen by just a bunch of punks, which DON'T MIND ABOUT ANY COPYRIGHTS. Even my story mods have a credit (Based on Team17 Source). But they? NOWHERE TO BE SEEN.

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Yea, don't worry about it. They haven't noticed yet... worst case scenario they'll receive a DMCA takedown

Maybe we should just release Worms 1995 as open source

That way, we would have an actually good artillery game be open source.

There is also a free-to-play game on Steam called "Bombix" which is a blatant Worms rip-off as well. It's a terrible game yet some people on Steam seem to think it's better than Worms for some unexplainable reason.


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