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Kaos videos - best moves, best turns/ best multi kills !!!????


What about promo video of current events.
There are tons of materials.
Could someone do a short shots from the best actions but with music??

Each 5/6/7 nice multi kill - 50 sec video + music cant be hard for made?? Why we are not doing this??
Each very nice move ???
Each fast win ??  ALl this stuff should be separated and posted for all of us and ppl which dont know/play kaos!

We have spectators in each league game..... guys lets do it somehow.


Go for it :)
DT has made small clips from his league for a lot (if not all) participants in season 1 already

ill try something

Dream Trance:
Yes, I made all 4+ combos already from season 2 events (excluding tiurnament playoffs for now), but will do it as well, I'd give some uplifting trance music maybe for it as it's my event ;p


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