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Author Topic: [SOLVED] HUSH [153649]  (Read 860 times)

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Offline deejay

[SOLVED] HUSH [153649]
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:34 AM »
Im sick and tired of that whole clan (l3x) reporting free wins in clanners singles ect...

ATM it looks like he has only reported one game, but he was threatening to report a game in all schemes when there was never any agreement to playing TUS.
I trolled him to make him quit the warmer we were both in the lobby of saying I would play him in one of all classic style schemes ( NEVER ANY SPEAK OF PLAYING LEAGUE )

There was never a agreement for a TUS you are a liar.

The convo went like this :

In TOMT warmer lobby:

Deejay: trolling hush
Deejay: You better than me? what a joke I could beat you at any scheme
Deejay: yeah go host
Deejay stays and plays warmer

Then after this is the convo I had with hush:

02:07: DeeJay-> Lol you're a goodf
02:07: DeeJay-> goof
02:08: DeeJay-> go ahead and try, I never agreed to playing you TUS retard.
02:08: l3x`HusH`rOd> ill post this with - and give u a new challange on forum, lets see who is the loser after ;d or intiligent deejay are too afraid ? xdddddddddd
02:09: l3x`HusH`rOd> sry but u are so fun, stupid ofc, but it makes us all laugh, u always say u can win, but as in real life u are a loser on worms :DDD
02:09: DeeJay-> lol you're a goof
02:09: DeeJay-> try to report your like 9 free wins
02:09: DeeJay-> and see how hard everyone laughs at you
02:09: DeeJay-> cause you are full retard
02:09: DeeJay-> lmfao
02:09: l3x`HusH`rOd> then what? i dont play tus, people i care for, will know why i post them xddddddddddddddd and all ur comments here xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
02:09: l3x`HusH`rOd> u are such nerd 
02:09: l3x`HusH`rOd> its so sad dx
02:10: DeeJay-> I lack intelligence? except you are the one who was stupid enough to quit the warmer ROFL
02:10: DeeJay-> I have no want to read you bullshit messages. I bet you have never touched a girl before.
02:10: l3x`HusH`rOd> nah im just a man, much more than any can say of u ;D
02:10: DeeJay-> unless you call ur bf devilegg a girl?
02:10: l3x`HusH`rOd> more intiligens ^^
02:10: l3x`HusH`rOd> is thats what ur life is about anyway?
02:11: l3x`HusH`rOd> sad
02:11: DeeJay-> ROFL!
02:11: DeeJay-> more intiligens ^^
02:11: DeeJay-> nice spelling
02:11: l3x`HusH`rOd> but i dont have these probmels, that i have to talk about it as u. u sounds like it has or are a big probmel for u
02:11: DeeJay-> you talkiing about intelligence? and you cant even f@#!ing spell
02:11: DeeJay-> lol
02:11: DeeJay-> my life is sad?
02:11: DeeJay-> coming from the guy who hasnt ever touched a girl
02:11: DeeJay-> lol
02:12: l3x`HusH`rOd> see again iteligence ;D what has spelling to do with intiligens? U are truely stupid
02:12: to #AnythingGoes:  l3x`HusH`rOd> ^^
02:12: DeeJay-> lol
02:12: DeeJay-> I feel asthough i get stupider every time I read one of your illiterate messages
02:12: l3x`HusH`rOd> but ok, i will ask on tus when i report the game, how many thinks intiligens has to do with spelling, maybe they even care to give u explaination, but i dont care ^^
02:13: DeeJay-> ok
02:13: l3x`HusH`rOd> lost battle with people with low iq's
02:13: DeeJay-> will you post it as intiligens ^^ ?
02:13: DeeJay-> XDDDD
02:13: l3x`HusH`rOd> cant discuss with people like u, becuase ur only argument will be, u cant spell 1
02:13: l3x`HusH`rOd> xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
02:13: l3x`HusH`rOd> sry, if u are that stupid, it IS sad cd
02:14: DeeJay-> and your arguement?
02:14: DeeJay-> you have absolutely none
02:14: DeeJay-> besides the fact I troll you non stop
02:14: DeeJay-> thats your excuse for " more intiligens ^^ "
10.09 02:14: l3x`HusH`rOd: PART #AnythingGoes
10.09 02:15: l3x`HusH`rOd: JOIN :#AnythingGoes
02:24: l3x`HusH`rOd> nerd ;d

I've had problems with that whole clan ever since I returned to worms, they are the worst sportsmen out there and im sick of this BS.
After I PMed him after he left he said; OK ILL REPORT A FREE WIN FOR EVERY TUS SCHEME: because he was mad at my trolling to make him quit the Warmer.

Mods; please deal with this goof..

Offline HusH

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 09:23 AM »
Deejay, your are not smart enough to sepreate the clanners from singles it seems, very different cases, but even here you care more for trolling than facts ;D Clanners your the one breaking the rules- therefor we report free win, when we ask to replay, you never respond/refuse, so thats really your problem. I explained and made link in ur old complian, wont do it again.

But if the mods will look in to those games anyway, take a look at deejays behavious and language, and might consider if he deserves punishment for his acting.

Offline deejay

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 09:35 AM »
There's no rules against how I talk to you in the game, although there are rules how I can talk to you in TUS league games.

There was no game played, no agreement to play any TUS games, but you got so upset after I trolled you that you reported a free win?
The convo log was posted only to show that there was never any agreement for us to play and you just wanted some free points.


Offline HusH

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 09:46 AM »
Funny, i care for tus single points? xxd look at my score. I posted this, because you agreed on playing all league scheme on tus, that was what i asked. U agreed, and i post 1 free win and tell u to come back and take the challange so i dont have to post rest of the games. Understand?

And about ur behaviour, i talk about our last roper clanner, i like the mod to watch that game. Understand? i think not :D
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 09:50 AM by HusH »

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 02:46 PM »
Before I start reading the whole thing, let me ask you one question.
Why do you play with each other when you have so much drama history?
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline HusH

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 03:59 PM »
You can delete the game, dont waste ur time here ^^ Im sure deejay wont play the games anyway.

Offline Mayhem

Re: HUSH [153649]
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2013, 07:19 AM »
Deejay, why are you even wasting time with this guy. We all know how l3x is, I am very good friends with devilage, but the people he chooses in his clan is his choice. But c'mon man i would expect better from you than to drop to low standards like this, trolling back to a troll is not a win. even though i might be in the same boat(as most might see)  i don't go out of my way to do such things as this, only when they are called for, and even then i have my ducks in line.