Forums > Leagues General

Are there any league/cup match wins that you're proud of in your past of WA-ing?

(1/2) > >>

Something extraordinary like an unexpected win against a better player? What scheme, what happened there, why do you think it's unique, etc? You could search'em back and paste links here. This applies for TUS league, ONL, Worm Olympics or whateva, anything :)

I have loads. My wa competitive history is so long! many clan league victories and also elite/bng/t17 tourneys and cups. Especially sometimes when i or CKC wasn't considered the favourite but still won :D

im just gonna flex this and refuse to elaborate

Korydex: we still lost that playoffs, but it was interesting i miss that league

I think that only the walls of my rooms (and some delicate feline ears) are witnesses of the rare times I made something which I am proud of :D  Unfortunately some rare great moments are not on TUS but were funner games. 


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