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Leagues Rules

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--- Quote from: Free on October 15, 2023, 07:11 PM ---To be honest 2s is nothing when it comes to thinking time

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well once my wife saw a pic of a girl on my phone and 2s was a lot of time to me to tell her a excuse,  ;D


Forts: I think the water rising happens way too early or too fast. The game is decided by sudden death and often ends in a draw or who plops the last worm first. Maybe it should be played with less worms or different water rising or SD time. I agree that bigger maps may work better, but it's hard to stablish a pattern of map size and requirements. Someone would have to make a mappack or create new maps to fit the requirements. Also it would require testings and scheme balancement. Something for a variation. By the way, I think Forts MUST have LG + Sheep Launcher and at least 1 HHG (max 2). The number of LGs should be revised.

Boom Race: Multishot + Phased Worms for sure.

Bungee Race: a rule for teleporting back to where you were (Multishot on). Walking back with fast walk is torture. I call this rule SAVE STATE (like in emulators). Each bungee area can be considered a checkpoint, you can go back to it using teleport or jetpack. No need to walk.

Golf: It could be played with Multishot on, but with a rule that each player can only fire one grenade or X grenades per turn. Why? Because it makes the scheme more dynamic and you don't need to loose a turn teleporting to the next hole (many maps are not designed for jet pack and rope). The rule will not allow grenade spamming. Or it can be 1 single shot per turn like it used to be, but played only on maps that are jetpackable or maybe remove the jetpack and the rope from the scheme, only teleport available. Or simply: if the hole is jetpackable players use jetpack, if the hole is not jetpackable, players use teleport.

Elite: I would prefer to have hot-seat time: 2 seconds or 5 seconds. I understand that many players will prefer the classic version, so maybe we should stick to the classic version (without hot-seat time) to avoid troubles in the community. Although, even chess, soccer and the most traditional sports update their rules with time, they change the gameplay a little bit. It would be interesting to see Elite being changed.

Intermediate: Yes, Korydex, this TNL version is more or less what I was talking about. I didn't know this scheme, but if it is not used anymore, maybe it has a historical reason within the community. I had to search for it as I didn't find the scheme file in TUS database. I had to extract it from old replays and check the Sudden Death settings. Although, I played many different versions of Intermediate in my Worms life, most of them I created, but didn't publish. I played many from other players, but the one I played the most was Dolly Sheep by Buick (WWP times, with powered animals, more HP than 100 and water rising only in SD). The main point of the variations were the Water Rising only Sudden Death. But I always prefered to play intermediate with X3 ropes. 5 is way too much, I like the economic-artillery play style.

WfW: I don't remember with how many worms this scheme is played, but if it is played with 8 worms, it seems a bit too much for this scheme. With 4 or maybe something between 4 and 8 would be more interesting, I think.

Parachute Race: if the idea is to play with no luck, wind must be constant. The value of the wind can be decided by the players before the game, or maybe select a random value, but constant for the entire game. Zero wind could be the standard value. Playing with random wind makes the scheme playable in all maps, although there are some maps that players would need to wait a good wind every turn, what is bad. Random wind can be considered more challenging, because players need to adapt the situation every turn. Difficult decision. Maybe a mappack selecting the best maps would be needed for the league.

WxW: I think all the possibilities of a scheme must be detailed in the rules. Even though nobody attacks with parachute, this detail must be clarified in the rules, although as a detail, not as an important thing to remember.

Shopper: I think it's interesting to allow players to attack from ground, but I feel that it is strange to play shopper without attacking from rope. I feel that I'm playing it wrong, because there are certain hides that are very hard to attack from rope if you only have bazookas, or grenades. Attacking from ground would be easier to attack well hidden worms. I don't know, I feel that attacking from ground would turn the scheme a bit on the Aerial scheme vibe, not like Petrolia that you must attack from the movement utility. I feel that the idea of Shopper is to use the rope always to attack, but I don't have a solid opinion about this right now.

Battle Race: I think it should be played as a Walk Race. Maybe include a variant that you can delay worms, but I feel that usually delaying worms doesn't work well for races. There are parts that are very hard and the opponent can f@#k the other player easily. It's unfair. Although, Battle Race has its name because it used to be played like this, and I think that it is the best scheme designed to delay worms in a race. The weapons are well thought to players use wisely, and they are limited, without being OP.

Hysteria: should be played as it is, with no rules. A variant should be included in the official league allowing Selecsteria or Hysteria with house rules to avoid Worm Selection manipulation. However house rules for this would be complicated to determine. Maybe the map would need to be split in two parts like BnG. Or maybe the girder radius could be used to measure the distance allowed to stay between worms.

Elemental: should be removed (or not), but nobody play this scheme and it is available for a long time. There are many schemes that are great that were never included in leagues and could be a hit. I think the suggestion of Grenade Wars was very fortunate, since the scheme was played a lot recently and the community seems to like it. Elemental is not a bad scheme, though. It's doesn't seem so fun to me, but I played very few times of my life I think, or maybe I never played. I remember watching many replays of this scheme only.

Team17: Either the WL scheme or Deadcode scheme allowing on open island maps. Add a variant (maybe the classic or even the same WL/DC scheme) to be played only in dual-layered caves.

I think there should be a rule if you play on custom terrain the map MUST be converted to png. Because if not people without the module can't watch the replay and the map isnt visible on game page!


--- Quote from: Korydex on April 26, 2024, 06:33 PM ---I think there should be a rule if you play on custom terrain the map MUST be converted to png. Because if not people without the module can't watch the replay and the map isnt visible on game page!

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some players prefer em not to be converted cuz the "league rules" say so (mutual agreement inbetween players ?????)


--- Quote from: Korydex on April 26, 2024, 06:33 PM ---I think there should be a rule if you play on custom terrain the map MUST be converted to png. Because if not people without the module can't watch the replay and the map isnt visible on game page!

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well i cant speak for everyone but if i dont its because i forgot!  never try and not do it


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