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Using Wormkit modules in leagues

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I've been talking to Deadcode about recent problems regarding Wormkit modules. He has confirmed that he will be working on some solutions in the next update.

Meanwhile, if you want to use Wormkit modules in leagues, you must inform your opponent beforehand in the lobby. Any module that gives you even the tiniest edge must be informed in the game lobby and should be enabled only upon agreement. Obviously failing to do so will void those games.

Some Wormkit modules like wkRemapKeys or modules that are solely for visuals like wkFlamingHealthBars can pass without informing your opponent.
Modules like wkWormOrder, wkPin or even CrateFinder must be informed.

If you're in doubt about a module, you can always send me a PM.

The decision and posture I expected. Very good!

--- Quote from: MonkeyIsland on September 29, 2021, 05:25 AM ---If you're in doubt about a module, you can always send me a PM.

--- End quote ---

We can ask here too, right!? It's good because it can eliminate doubt from other people also regarding new modules that come up.

PS1: if I can make a suggestion, I think should also be informed about wkRemapKeys. Not all players, especially the new ones, know about the existence of modules or this one in particular. wkRemapKeys, in my opinion, makes the mechanics of certain schemes much easier.
PS2: I would also suggest that the player inform not only the use modules, but also softwares (, like the Water Color Editor (allow you to see transparent water), TeamED (allow to create team with repeated/blank worm names) etc. For example, I've heard of people who use transparent water and think that this is allowed.

Players just need to inform that they are using a certain module avaible on or do they need to detail all the features of the module?

If your opponent doesn't know what it is, you have explain it to them. They should know what advantages you are gaining by using the module.

Right. I asked because my english is not very good (I need to use google translator, which takes some time) and I thought it would be enough, for example, to give the page link in worms2d. It would be more practical, faster, and players would have access to more accurate information than I'm trying to explain. Then the players could read the most up-to-date information about the module and say yes or no. I could use a macro like this for every match: I use modules X (link to worms2d page), Y (link to worms2d page), Z (link to worms2d page). Are you against me using any of them?


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