Forums > Missions Speed Run

Mission 16 - Trouble on Mount Wormore

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Turn 1: This mission is a simple fling and kami. You need to do a quick hand motion to start off, since you want your arrow hand free the moment you get the rope crate. I'm pressing tab/enter quickly to switch worms and jump, then putting my left hand on f8 and space to select/shoot rope, keeping my right hand free. The fling just needs to be done with an angle and a bit less than full power. And you could always rope across slowly if you had a really good run going.

The kami spot is easy to judge by eye, but for precision, it's on top of the wooden sign, about where your worm touches the last step as you're walking left to right (if you imagine the top of the sign as a series of pixel steps).

What about rebinding keys?

I guess world records is what to be set cleanly.

What "cleanly"? He already does:
manipulating AI into doing dumb stuff
restarting missions multiple times just for extra weapons
, with each of these tricks having cheat-tier effects. That's not what I'd call clean or whatever. Remapping a few keys into comfortable positions would definitely be the smallest thing out of those ones mentioned.

Right, the standard assumption with speed runs is that glitches/bugs are fine. Although notching isn't even a glitch, just knowing your exact angle looking at the worm sprites. AI manipulation also isn't using any bugs, since all I'm ever doing is standing in the right spot. Skip walking normally is though. And yeah, remapping keys should be fair game, haven't found any need to do this yet. I believe the restriction would be one key per input, and of course no macros or multiple presses for single buttons.


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