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bin laden dead

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yea as the title says, was watching news 24 at half 4 this morning, and there obama announces that the us have killed him and his son in pakistan and now have their bodys, this is the first time in recent memory that both the bins have been taken out on bank holiday. (sorry couldnt resist)

Back to all seriousness now, is this good or bad? and what repurcussions will the US/UK recieve?, i personally don't like it with the 2012 olympics in the UK next year, but we'll see.

Opinions please



I guess many people in the west see it as the closing of a chapter. Not of the whole operation against terrorism, but definitely of Bush' War on Terror.

The Arab world, that's a different case. The border between a serial killer and a hero of the faith is very small.
Sure, we'll have to tackle possible new attacks, but it's definitely a nice punch we've dealt here at Al-Qaeda.
Although, we'll have to see what happens, who his successor is gonna be. An old drewling man in a wheelchair or an enigmatic young extremist jihadi.

you believe he's really dead this??


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