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Do you believe in the existence of aliens?

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[oops double post]


--- Quote from: Bloopy on July 30, 2019, 07:01 PM ---But another advanced civilisation is probably at least as unlikely as winning a lottery, so maybe there's only one other in the whole galaxy.
Meanwhile, most of their species have transferred their consciousness to a virtual simulation of eternal digital pleasure.

--- End quote ---
Aaand that's basically why I believe there is other intelligent life forms in the universe. Sure Earth is a statistical rarity, with all these subtles conditions needed in order to sustain life. But the universe bought a LOT of lottery tickets :) I think it's a matter of time (and a bit of luck) before we meet another sentient species, if none of these conspiracy theories are true. If we're to be the visitors, it'll be a while. Now, what is time and what was before it? My brain hurts a bit when I think about that concept.

Virtual simulation of eternal digital pleasure? Sign me up!


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