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Operating System?

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--- Quote from: Korydex on January 14, 2020, 10:12 PM ---Will use 7 until its totally impo to use it. Then might switch to some linux. Cos 7 is the last 'usable' one imo. Btw my favorite would be 2000, it's like XP, which already had everything you needed, without the gimmicks. And 98 for old games.

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7 for sure, f@#! new windows.  I’m a hipster, was using windows 7 before it was cool. 

Technically there is extended extended win 7 support if you're willing to pay and jump through hoops. That or aquire the updates via.... other means ;-D.

But it really looks like the way forward is just to switch to Linux. It's about the last place you can actually have agency over your machine. And with wine, mono and proton, etc there is hardly any drawbacks at all when it comes to gaming now.

Plus the oh so many sweet perks. =D
Bash is love, bash is life xD

I use the ESU updates for Win7, just gotta use a 3rd party installer and no issues so far.

I am gonna upgrade my PC this year though with new hardware and will switch to Win10 then.


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