Forums > Other worms games

UWP v. 1 Release hits 100 downloads.

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Heya. I am glad to tell you, that Ultimate Worms Project has got 100 downloads on its first public release. Haters of Worms NT, get ready to regret your hate on me, my mods and my company. The Worms NT series are completely FREE, point wares are only used as a method of donating and supporting me and my company. I am not a lazy-boned person, unlike the creators of the original Worms series. The diffrences beetween my mods and their originals are very small, but I never leave my mods unpatched for a long time. If I plan to use a newer version of an original Worms game, I search for it through the web or walt unti the patch comes into existence.

Still no links, no pics, no vids, nothing at all.

wait you have a company? what's it called?

Meth Addict.


--- Quote from: STRGRN on October 19, 2017, 02:20 PM ---wait you have a company? what's it called?

--- End quote ---
My company is called Shadow's Mods, just like the series that i make. It is really a simple crew now, but later, it will grow into a real company.


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