Forums > Other worms games

Worms in PS3

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hi all, I'm thinking about buying a PS3 and one of the first games i wanna try is a worms game. I did a search in this forum but didn't find too much information.
The thing is that i was reading a lot of reviews from worms 2 armageddon, and it has a very good score overall, but what do ppl from the wa community think about it? I've read some comments saying that it sucks, but why?
How many ppl play online, a few dozens connected at the same time like in wa, or hundreds, or even thousands?

Are there leagues, clans, communities like in wa? if so, which ones? Maybe a give it a shot trying to bring my clan back to life in another platform xD

save yourself some time and don't buy it.  it is nothing like worms armageddon, i didn't like it at all.  played the nearly identical xbox 360 version, and bought both worms games.  Both were underwhelming and don't deserve any replay. 

man, ps3 out 5 years ago, it is much more wierder then many computers, better wait for new era of ps4 and xbox720 :D

yeah but thats gonna be in 3-4 years till next gen consoles theyve said.  microsoft is shooting for 2014 so pretty long to wait.

Wena Tambuz!
I wouldn't recommend buying a Worms game for a console either, unless you don't mind not being able to rope and the poor physics.
For your average "Intermediate"-like games or to have fun blasting the shit out of each other with a mate it's alright (I guess) but don't expect too much really. :)


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