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FoxHound's Unfinished Projects (2024) - Ideas to the public

Started by FoxHound, July 27, 2024, 09:08 PM

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I just post this on a private sub-board topic of WoSC community, but I think that it could be a very public share of my ideas here as well. Sorry if this is considered Double Post. I just wanted to have my ideas on WoSC community too.

Here are some unfinished projects of mine. I can describe in details all of them later. If anyone is interested in testing, playing, giving feed back or making maps, please, tell me.

  • Destructible WfW
  • Times Square or Intermediate to the Power of Two (Intermediate²)
  • Skunk Shopper by czlowiek-kredens (make maps for the idea)
  • Second Drive for Weapons map (using parts that were eliminated from the first map)
  • Bungee Glitch Race (fix the ending - incomplete - part of the original map)
  • Upload a new version of Moles n' Crates scheme (my first original WWP scheme ever)


QuoteTimes Square or Intermediate to the Power of Two (Intermediate²)
What's that about?


Destructible WfW would need IndiMask maps for sure
I don't see Skunk Shopper in kredens' profile https://www.tus-wa.com/profile/czlowiek-kredens/schemes


Quote from: Korydex on July 28, 2024, 08:09 AM
QuoteTimes Square or Intermediate to the Power of Two (Intermediate²)
What's that about?

Intermediate to the Power of Two is basically an Intermediate that starts with Damage x2, Half gravity (Gravity divided by 2), but why it is to the power of two if it is damage x2 and not damage²? Because the map has duplified dimensions, so you play Intermediate on a much bigger map. The map can be made with wkTerrainSync or MapGen. There are difference on the maps depending on the program you use, but they work very well. I tested this scheme against myself, I need to find the replay, or I can share the scheme file and the maps here later.

It's interesting because Blow Torch distance doesn't change, Rope lenght doesn't change, so some things really look proportional as if you were playing a regular intermediate match, but some other things are not proportional, so this create a difference in the gameplay and it's funny to see everything bigger.

Times Square is just a suggestion of a name to this scheme if I alter Intermediate settings to become its own thing, separated from Intermediate. Times Square could actually be played on a custom map inspired by the famous touristic attraction Times Square. It would be a Conventional Gameplay scheme with everything doubled.


Quote from: h3oCharles on July 28, 2024, 08:41 AMDestructible WfW would need IndiMask maps for sure

It would be interesting with IndiMask. I didn't test this, it would need a different map than what I thought for this scheme, because it doesn't really need IndiMask. It is very playable without it. I designed a special map for this scheme and pavlepavle said that it would be good if a programmer made a program for these types of maps.

I'll explain the map and the scheme by text:

The map is a randomly-generated map (from WA map editor), transformed in a completely white map using WA map editor features. Then, this map is edited using image editor programs such as MSPaint, GIMP or Photoshop to fulfill the whole map with weapon sprites. The weapon sprites are divided by zones, for example, pink zone is completely filled with bazooka, yellow zone is completely filled with grenade sprites. The sprites are almost touching each other, this way, it's always possible to know in which weapon the worm is standing at, to be able to use it. It is very fun scheme, I think most people I tested with liked it. But, it is far to be concluded.

I'm in doubt about many things: should it be single shot or SDET? Should utilities receive sprites on the map? I'm inclined to make all utilities free to use, maybe even blowtorch and drill could be free (they could be used at any weapon sprite). If we play with sdet, it would need a rule limiting the number of shots, probably. Maybe only weapons that make a good crater (explosion radious) should be on the map, because weapons like skunk would make the map more difficult to be destroyed and more difficult to dig for good weapons buried near the water. So, if a map receive a skunk sprite, it would need to have few skunk sprites, otherwise it would be hard to find other weapons. Digging in this scheme is part of the strategy, because you can dig to a very good weapon, but on a risky place, or you can destroy all weapon sprites of a weapon, to impede the enemy to use them.

I might upload here some replays of this idea. I tested with many people, I hope they don't mind if I share the replays here, I don't think there's bad chat on them.

Quote from: h3oCharles on July 28, 2024, 08:41 AMI don't see Skunk Shopper in kredens' profile https://www.tus-wa.com/profile/czlowiek-kredens/schemes

Skunk Shopper is a project by kredens (it was not published), but he was asking to people make a map for his idea. I think he had a map and a scheme, but he lost them. So, the idea remained and the scheme and the map are still to be made. The scheme would be very easy to do, but the map would take a lot of time to make. It would need several testings just like schemes that explore the animal movement, such as Beat The Sheep, Help The Sheep, Mole Vaulting, Board Game, Drive for Weapons, etc. It would be a Shopper map, but designed to the skunk collect crates and jump obstacles. Worms wouldn't be able to move (I guess). I think there would be no Ninja Rope in the scheme, I don't remember the details of what kredens thought. I think it could be very interesting, because with multishot you can collect the crates with skunk and attack during the same turn.

Ledan had an interesting similar idea to this one that would be interesting to make a map as well.


Here are replays, maps, schemes of the projects Destructible WfW, Intermediate to the Power of Two and Skunk Shopper.


i create same scheme like your intermediate^2(powermediate 14 power weapons)

You can add 200% wind,fall dmg,rope knocking,all project speed,granade and mine fues,etc


Quote from: debilius on August 05, 2024, 01:58 PMi create same scheme like your intermediate^2(powermediate 14 power weapons)

You can add 200% wind,fall dmg,rope knocking,all project speed,granade and mine fues,etc

So, this is your scheme. It is similar to mine indeed, I think I saw it, but not with full attention because the description was very short and no replays available. However, it seems very nice. If you want we can play together so that you can have a replay to add there :)

I did cut fall damage by half, I forgot to say, but I realized that with lower gravity it inflicts less damage than regular Intermediate. So, maybe Fall Damage could be 100% like the official Inter or even 200%. Something to test. I didn't alter these other things you said, I didn't think deeply about them. Rope knocking might be interesting to test, not sure about the wind and projectile speed.

My scheme has special maps that took time to be created. There's a map pack already on the files I sent. I could make more, but I was lazy. I didn't upload to TUS because some of them are .Lev maps, so I would have to convert them to .BIT to upload here. I like to let them be .Lev, though. This ensures that there was no other edit, only reseeds and stuff like that.

I wonder if your scheme would work well on my maps or if it was indeed designed for standard size maps. That's why I would like to play it someday. I'll add it to the Scheme ideas page on WKB later.

My project is older than your release, though. I'm planning this scheme for a long time, I only worked on it recently and my uploaded replays IIRC are older than your release too (I didn't check). My scheme is still a project and it was never released, your scheme seems a solid gameplay idea already released.


Quote from: FoxHound on August 05, 2024, 10:27 PMI

Thanks for the work on WKB
I looked at a lot of schemes from there
I'll upload more schemes soon
1 mine rope race - regular rope race but with 250 mines, I'm now thinking whether to return the indestructible landscape
2 Rope and banana - almost the only schemes that I played online and they were liked by ordinary players, also madness combat too(weapon spam)
3 Clicker - I decided to finish it, only today I'll send a replay now

I also thought about the rules of the schemes
alt-f4 - what if worms choose a specialization at the moment of the first use of a weapon? more convenient than creating a team

my ideas:
phaser - you can only deal damage to worms that you have your back turned to, you can ignore this if your shot is aimed through your worm
Weapons like mag bullets, airstrike, teleport can only be used on your worms

king - 1 worm for 250 hp and 3 for 150,
A fat worm uses everything that does not deal direct damage, 150 hp worms on the contrary, a fat worm skips a turn if it starts next to an enemy worm, if a 250 hp worm dies then the game is lost

Like KTK with a real worm and specialization too
But the rules are too complicated, too much

As for the game, I can find regular replays for some schemes, but more complex schemes can be played
i have +6 hours from yours
By the way, I actually put this flag for fun I wrote the text with Google Translate lol


Quote from: debilius on August 06, 2024, 09:28 PMThanks for the work on WKB
I looked at a lot of schemes from there
You are welcome and thank you for saying this. It's good to know there are indeed people reading the stuff that is there.

Rope Race with mines is an old concept, Mine Runner I think is the oldest scheme or at least the name that I call this gameplay type. I didn't check if there is a major difference from your scheme and Mine Runner, though.

Banana and Ropes is an old concept too. It's called Banana Zone and Banana Show. Again, I didn't check the differences from your scheme.

Your specialist scheme variant seems interesting. It reminds me the scheme I used to play with DumbBongChow in Project X that had many things programed (coded), it had an amazing gameplay. It's sad that Project X is still for version and no updates. It's way more interesting to play a scheme without so many rules to consider, everything programed.

I do want to play with you some day. Sorry for late reply, I don't have much free time lately, but we can play some day. I'll take a look on your schemes more deeply, maybe during our games.