Quote from: h3oCharles on July 28, 2024, 08:41 AMDestructible WfW would need IndiMask maps for sure
It would be interesting with IndiMask. I didn't test this, it would need a different map than what I thought for this scheme, because it doesn't really
need IndiMask. It is very playable without it. I designed a special map for this scheme and pavlepavle said that it would be good if a programmer made a program for these types of maps.
I'll explain the map and the scheme by text:
The map is a randomly-generated map (from WA map editor), transformed in a completely white map using WA map editor features. Then, this map is edited using image editor programs such as MSPaint, GIMP or Photoshop to fulfill the whole map with weapon sprites. The weapon sprites are divided by zones, for example, pink zone is completely filled with bazooka, yellow zone is completely filled with grenade sprites. The sprites are almost touching each other, this way, it's always possible to know in which weapon the worm is standing at, to be able to use it. It is very fun scheme, I think most people I tested with liked it. But, it is far to be concluded.
I'm in doubt about many things: should it be single shot or SDET? Should utilities receive sprites on the map? I'm inclined to make all utilities free to use, maybe even blowtorch and drill could be free (they could be used at any weapon sprite). If we play with sdet, it would need a rule limiting the number of shots, probably. Maybe only weapons that make a good crater (explosion radious) should be on the map, because weapons like skunk would make the map more difficult to be destroyed and more difficult to dig for good weapons buried near the water. So, if a map receive a skunk sprite, it would need to have few skunk sprites, otherwise it would be hard to find other weapons. Digging in this scheme is part of the strategy, because you can dig to a very good weapon, but on a risky place, or you can destroy all weapon sprites of a weapon, to impede the enemy to use them.
I might upload here some replays of this idea. I tested with many people, I hope they don't mind if I share the replays here, I don't think there's bad chat on them.
Quote from: h3oCharles on July 28, 2024, 08:41 AMI don't see Skunk Shopper in kredens' profile https://www.tus-wa.com/profile/czlowiek-kredens/schemes
Skunk Shopper is a project by kredens (it was not published), but he was asking to people make a map for his idea. I think he had a map and a scheme, but he lost them. So, the idea remained and the scheme and the map are still to be made. The scheme would be very easy to do, but the map would take a lot of time to make. It would need several testings just like schemes that explore the animal movement, such as Beat The Sheep, Help The Sheep, Mole Vaulting, Board Game, Drive for Weapons, etc. It would be a Shopper map, but designed to the skunk collect crates and jump obstacles. Worms wouldn't be able to move (I guess). I think there would be no Ninja Rope in the scheme, I don't remember the details of what kredens thought. I think it could be very interesting, because with multishot you can collect the crates with skunk and attack during the same turn.
Ledan had an interesting similar idea to this one that would be interesting to make a map as well.