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wkEasyHostingBuddy and wkSchemeOptions

Started by FoxHound, August 16, 2022, 06:19 AM

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wkEasyHostingBuddy - host using hosting buddy, but when you click on the settings, you automatically type the respective HostingBuddy command. So, you can control HostingBuddy's room settings by clicking on the interface as if you were the host.

wkSchemeOptions - scheme options made by wormkit developers:

✅ Control crate probability of super weapons
✅ Make the mole jump on the direction it is facing
✅ Extended initial max HP |____9999____|
✅ Custom Automatically-selected weapons order
✅ Pressing this key will make wind go to the opposite direction
✅ Boundaries in loop
✅ Coloured Petrol flames, arrows, girders and mines
✅ Set ammo for each weapon in crates
✅ WWP wormpots
✅ W2 exclusive stuff
✅ Number of shots of each weapon
✅ Cooldowns for each weapon
✅ Worms don't get stuck by walking on narrow passages
✅ Fog of War
✅ wkWormOrder


Apart from wkwormorder (I don't use it) the rest is perfect. I really would like to enjoy wormpot again!
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Good Idea. Although HostingBuddy will be obsolete in the future version of WA. TUS, or WMDB or both, will behave as a cloud service for WA, delivering instant access to maps and schemes. You will be your own HB.
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