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wkSuperFrontendHD 0.4.4 released [With HD graphics!]

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Great Job!

Can't wait to try it :)

wkSuperFrontendHD 0.4 is here!
It has been long overdue, but the update is finally here! This is the largest module update (and the longest one to make) that I've done yet. The update finally introduces HD graphics for the frontend: all the bitmap assets used by the game: there's more than 1300 of them, for 720p+ resolutions (x1.5) and for 960p+ resolutions (x2.0). As well as new fonts and many other things. This is something that had been missing ever since the appearance of Magnification in the module. It has been a long year, but here goes!
For a more in-depth description please read the top post of the thread.

Update notes for v0.4:
[*]Introduced "SuperGraphics": over 1300 graphics in high quality, for 720p+ and 960p+ resolutions. Graphics are stored in "graphics\_super\<package>", and the fonts are located at "graphics\_super\Fonts". There are now 6 new fonts in the game. EXE resources are now files in the _resource directory of each package. And much more. Please read the top post of the thread for more information on SuperGraphics.
[*]Any missing graphics can be scaled automatically using "AutoScaleMissingGraphics" when "SuperGraphics" is on, nearest-neighbor, and saved into the respective package directory. This will always save changes to the disk.
[*]The INI layout has been overhauled. Some options have been added/removed/grouped. The text parameters are not case-sensitive. The new INI options are as follows:
[*]Resolution (in Misc). This absorbs the former "AlwaysUseDesktopResolution" option, and now has three possible values:
[*]Game: uses the in-game resolution you've set in the game for the frontend resolution. This is now the default.
[*]Desktop: uses the resolution of your desktop at the time of launching the game. This used to be a separate option.
[*]Custom: lets you specify your own resolution, set via CustomWidth and CustomHeight.
[*]FontScaling: "Default" scales font based on the general scaling factor. "Lesser" works like the former "LesserFontScaling": it will not scale fonts x2 unless you're on 1440p or higher. To disable font scaling completely (not recommended), you can use "Off".
[*]SetInternalResolution: this lets you specify how you should see the innards of your frontend within the general resolution you specified. Note that for ANY option used here, there's a minimum narrow-resolution limit: 4x3. In other words, if you try to use 5x4, you will get a 4x3 inside 5x4, even if you use a Custom resolution.
[*]Auto (default): this will expand the frontend to your resolution and aspect ratio, however it will not go wider than 16x10. This is a compromise between the original Stretched mode and the 4x3 mode. Some people prefer 4x3, it is now easier to enable that as well.
[*]4x3: this works like the former "UseInternal4x3AspectRatio" option: use a 4x3 box of frontend inside a wider area that expands to your screen resolution.
[*]Graphics: a new mode that can be used when SuperGraphics are on (and shouldn't when SuperGraphics are off). This will make the internal frontend box 960x720 (for the x720 package) and 1280x960 (for the x960 package) respectively.
[*]Stretch: this mode, like before, stretches everything to your resolution and aspect ratio, and it doesn't have the 16x10 limit. In other words, even if you have a super-wide screen, the frontend will still stretch over the whole width of the screen.
[*]Classic: this is the classic centered 640x480 mode, like in the early versions of frontend (before 0.3). This can also be enabled via Custom and 640x480. When 640x480 (or any resolution with a height below 720p) is used, SuperGraphics are not enabled.
[*]Custom: lets you specify the resolution you want in CustomInternalWidth and CustomInternalHeight.
[*]The INI options "CenterBitmapControls" and "RestrictFormsToFontHeight" have been hidden and are always enabled by default. It is possible to disable them by adding them to [Magnification] and setting them to 0, but it's not necessary unless for some debugging purposes...
[*]AdjustDebris and Magnification are now always enabled. This was inevitable given the extensive set of features and fixes added into the code. If you want to get the old 640x480 centered mode (like in the old versions), set "SetInternalResolution" in [Magnification] to "Classic". As a side note, this also lets you use the bottom line of the screen to minimize in the 640x480 mode (this was not possible in the unmagnified mode).
[*]It is now possible to minimize via the bottom line in any resolution, regardless of the aspect ratio. A new hidden option (enabled by default) called "AdvancedDialogSizingShenanigans" is responsible for this. Instead of moving the inner dialogs, the size of the graphical window is used, while elements such as buttons and forms are moved into the middle if necessary, to form the inner resolution box as required. This allows input to the bottommost pixel of the dialog, thus, allowing minimization.
[*]The "graphics\backdrex.bmp" file is no longer necessary, because the module now automatically stretches your backdrop.bmp upon loading it (doesn't save to the disk), to adjust for your resolution. Thus, the background is no longer cycled. In the future, new options might be added to customize the gradient better (as well as produce new gradients in runtime). If you still have the backdrex.bmp file, you can now delete it.
[*]There's now a secret option to be a Star God. To become a Star God, press Ctrl+Alt+Clear, then hold or press Ctrl+Num- or Ctrl+Num+. God powers are limited at this moment, but a music visualizer feature is planned.
[*]There is now a limit for the minimum narrow-aspect-ratio resolutions. If the resolution is narrower than 4x3 (e.g. 5x4), then the frontend's innards will appear as a 4x3 box inside the taller resolution. This was required to ensure that there are no overlap issues when HD graphics are used. Also, it is pointless to stretch to such narrow resolutions, as that only increases empty space (the input forms do not extend vertically) and doesn't add anything.
[*]Fixed a bug that sometimes made inputs "transparent" after quitting e.g. from quick-games. This only happened on some specific versions.
[*]Fixed the height of headers in tables (like player/game/teamlists). They will now respect the current height of the font used.
[*]There should no longer be a gravestone rectangle wandering in the wild in the Team Editor (with any aspect ratio).
[*]Fixed support for (only the patched r2 version) - AdjustDebris and the Arsenal Door work properly with it now. This was required anyway given the SuperGraphics upgrade.
[*]Improved compatibility with future versions of the game (such as 3.8.0).
[*]General improvements and fixes.

Some known issues with this release:
[*]Issues such as non-smooth green/red/purple fonts, and screenshots have not yet been resolved. I've decided that due to the time already spent into making the SuperGraphics update, this can wait, and come at a later date when needed.
[*]Map thumbnails (including the editor area in the Map Editor) are still unscaled. This is fixable (the former at least), but is such a pain in the *** implementation-wise that this will also wait until a future patch.
[*]The intro screens are semi-broken, so placeholders for small parts are used. This is low priority... You probably don't even open that.
[*]HD weapon icons in the Weapon Editor will not currently be visible in future versions of the game (such as 3.8.0), but this will certainly be fixed by the time a W:A update comes out.

The download links are in the OP.

Excellent work StepS. It really makes the frontend far more usable. No more straining to read small fonts. Everything looks so crisp and inviting too. Big change from previous versions.

Just want to point out for anyone wondering - wkD3d9wnd is still 99.9% compatible with wkSuperFrontendHD. So you can have the best of both worlds. These two patches are a big part of the reason I still play WA.

The 320x240 mode is awesome. For me it requires d3d9wnd, since my laptop can't display 240p natively. But it crashes sometimes perhaps as a result. Known bug and I love it anyway. It looks like WA would look on a Gameboy color emulator, big nostalgia trip.

Nice job StepS!

Awesome! o.0

StepS - Soon you can develop a new WA2 games :))


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