Forums > Promotion Project

Newbies road to Pro Wormer! Get taught by the pros!

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Creating a new league is a matter of minutes for me. How does this thing work? What if Random00 plays a game and want to report it in the amateur league? system prevents him because of his stats? How do I draw the line for newbies and others? (also it is very hard to beat Random00 in Hysteria)

dunno i was actually motivated because i played guys like random and found out they dont look down you even they are so much better. i remember uber/zippo/ crash explained my simple basics when playing them. ray always motivated me because he told me when he recognized some progress in my play.  i guess its important not to seperate them from the better players, because u really learn from the diversity of players around.a private teacher is really great and helpful but nothing can replace the field experience vs different well skilled opponents. if you watch the played games u will find out beginners always find other beginners to play, no need for a seperate league imo.

but great effort free keep it up.

I see ur point Peja, but ur one of the exceptions to the rule. Motivated by nature. But in reality most ain't.

I haven't got a idea (yet) how we would know who's beginner and who's not so that creates a problem. Someone could just make a new account and win all and take the fun away from real beginners who want to a even field of competition.

Let's keep discussing though, maybe we can come up with something.

I can teach you how to notch, mod your keyboard, practice fingerroll, 2hand taps, twitching and differences in arrowkey behavior.

Taking applications now!*

*25 Euro each session, no success guaranteed

Newbie league is a great idea, but if we grouped them all into one league, how would chelsea find opponents for singles


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