The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Worms: Armageddon => General discussion => Topic started by: Kradie on August 22, 2021, 05:15 AM

Title: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: Kradie on August 22, 2021, 05:15 AM
Hypothetically out of curiosity: Would you play Worms Armageddon in a world where the ninja rope was never realized of its full potential? For example: There would be no Shopper, no Roper, no BIG RR, and so on, just only ground schemes. You would still see the ninja rope in the inventory but you wouldn't know what to do with it as we do. You would come online and see only ground scheme hosted, and you ''may'' not see the people who played mostly for roping.

Would any league exists if the rope was never used as we know it? Would WA be what is it today?
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: Sycotropic on August 22, 2021, 07:16 AM
Yes definitely.. Even though the rope is an amazing mechanic, W:A ground mechanics and other weapons are also amazing. You could play schemes like Inter/T17/Elite without rope and it would be just as fun IMO.
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: Kradie on August 22, 2021, 06:05 PM
I'm going have to dare and say no. Rope is such an intricate part of my life here on Worms, without it I probably wouldn't be here.

As a child I played Worms 2 offline and that was fun but I can't find myself doing that today. When I entered the online portion of the game I was Immediately fascinated, because people utilized the rope in such weird alien way that I felt compelled to master it as well.

 I am not entirely sure even the developers at the time thought of true potential of the rope when it was designed. I suppose it was inevitable that people would experiment with it. Though this topic does not ask if it is inevitable or not, or if the developers intended ot to be used as we know it now.
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: Zalo the moler on August 22, 2021, 06:09 PM
I would play it even more.
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: Lupastic on August 22, 2021, 06:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that the developers of WA had no f@#!ing idea in the world that one day players would be using the ninja rope for doing epic rope tricks that we know, that there would be trick race maps, warmers, the glitches.. They must have been like "Oh yeah a ninja rope, how cool, let them newbie n00b playerz shoot it twice in cavern maps, do rattles and take hours to climb over obstacles, hehe they would hardly ever use it anyway.." ??? ???
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: TheKomodo on August 22, 2021, 08:57 PM
I played Worms on my Gameboy for years without Ninja Rope even existing so yeah i'd play it without it.

Also, i'd play Worms Armageddon if only Roping schemes existed.
Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: FoxHound on August 22, 2021, 09:48 PM
yeah i'd play it without it.

Also, i'd play Worms Armageddon if only Roping schemes existed.

Title: Re: Worms Without Roping?
Post by: skunk3 on October 25, 2021, 05:37 AM
Maybe. I'll play just about any scheme but rope-based ones are definitely my favorite and are what keep me playing, mostly. For typical 'default' styles of games, I actually think that Worms Clan Wars (Battlegrounds on consoles) is more fun overall and Worms WMD isn't that bad if you make custom schemes. Ultimately it just depends on what I'm in the mood for. There's great players outside of WA.